Kaempf Bernard. Hugh Dermot McDonald, The God who responds. Minneapolis, Bethany House Publishers, 1986 Charles G. Finney, Principles of Love, compiled and Edited by L.G. Parkhurst, Jr. Minneapolis, Bethany House Publishers, 1986 Clark H. Pinnock, Three Keys to Spintual Renewal. Minneapolis, Bethany House Publishers, 1985 Philip Greenslade, Leadership, Greatness & Servanthood. Minneapolis, Bethany House Publishers, 1984 Robert A. Morey, The new Atheism and the Erosion of Freedom. Minneapolis, Bethany House Publishers, 1986. In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 68e année n°4, Novembre-décembre 1988. p. 497
Vahanian Gabriel. Gordon Kaufman, Theology for a Nuclear Age. Manchester University Press, Mancheste...
Chevallier Max-Alain. G. Lohfink, L'Eglise que voulait Jésus, Paris, Cerf (collection « apologique »...
Valla F. W. Farnsworth Loomis, The God. B. Within. New-York, October House Inc., 1967. In: Revue d'h...
Kaempf Bernard. Hugh Dermot McDonald, The God who responds. Minneapolis, Bethany House Publishers, 1...
Blondel Jacques. Dennis Richard Danielson, Milton's Good God — A Study in Literary Theodicy, Cambrid...
Vahanian Gabriel. David L. Miller, Hells & Holy Ghosts : a Theopoetics of Christian Belief, Nashvill...
Collange Jean-François. R. Campbell (éditeur), Spectrum of Protestant Beliefs, (contributions de W. ...
Collange Jean-François. R.N. Longenecker, New Testament Social Ethics for Today, Grand Rapids, 1984 ...
Siegwalt Gérard. H.P. Owen, The Christian Knowledge of God. The Athlone Press, Londres, 1969. In: Re...
Kaempf Bernard. Donald Capps, Biblical Approaches to Pastoral Counseling. Philadelphia, Westminster ...
Vahanian Gabriel. Charles E. Winquist, Desiring Theology, University of Chicago Press (Religion and ...
De Halleux André. Ruth Rouse et Stephen Charles Neill (éd.), A History of the Ecumenical Movement 15...
Vahanian Gabriel. Joseph C. McLelland, Prometheus Rebound : The Irony of Atheism. Waterloo (Ontario)...
Siegwalt Gérard. E. Gilson, L'athéisme difficile. Préface de H. Gouhier. J. Vrin, Paris J.-F. Doncee...
Vahanian Gabriel. Donald M. MacKinnon, Themes in Theology : The Threefold Cord. Edinburgh, T. and T....
Vahanian Gabriel. Gordon Kaufman, Theology for a Nuclear Age. Manchester University Press, Mancheste...
Chevallier Max-Alain. G. Lohfink, L'Eglise que voulait Jésus, Paris, Cerf (collection « apologique »...
Valla F. W. Farnsworth Loomis, The God. B. Within. New-York, October House Inc., 1967. In: Revue d'h...
Kaempf Bernard. Hugh Dermot McDonald, The God who responds. Minneapolis, Bethany House Publishers, 1...
Blondel Jacques. Dennis Richard Danielson, Milton's Good God — A Study in Literary Theodicy, Cambrid...
Vahanian Gabriel. David L. Miller, Hells & Holy Ghosts : a Theopoetics of Christian Belief, Nashvill...
Collange Jean-François. R. Campbell (éditeur), Spectrum of Protestant Beliefs, (contributions de W. ...
Collange Jean-François. R.N. Longenecker, New Testament Social Ethics for Today, Grand Rapids, 1984 ...
Siegwalt Gérard. H.P. Owen, The Christian Knowledge of God. The Athlone Press, Londres, 1969. In: Re...
Kaempf Bernard. Donald Capps, Biblical Approaches to Pastoral Counseling. Philadelphia, Westminster ...
Vahanian Gabriel. Charles E. Winquist, Desiring Theology, University of Chicago Press (Religion and ...
De Halleux André. Ruth Rouse et Stephen Charles Neill (éd.), A History of the Ecumenical Movement 15...
Vahanian Gabriel. Joseph C. McLelland, Prometheus Rebound : The Irony of Atheism. Waterloo (Ontario)...
Siegwalt Gérard. E. Gilson, L'athéisme difficile. Préface de H. Gouhier. J. Vrin, Paris J.-F. Doncee...
Vahanian Gabriel. Donald M. MacKinnon, Themes in Theology : The Threefold Cord. Edinburgh, T. and T....
Vahanian Gabriel. Gordon Kaufman, Theology for a Nuclear Age. Manchester University Press, Mancheste...
Chevallier Max-Alain. G. Lohfink, L'Eglise que voulait Jésus, Paris, Cerf (collection « apologique »...
Valla F. W. Farnsworth Loomis, The God. B. Within. New-York, October House Inc., 1967. In: Revue d'h...