Hornus Jean-Michel. E. F. Osborn, The philosophy of Clement of Alexandria. (Texts and Studies, second series, 3). Cambridge, University Press, 1957. In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 42e année n°4,1962. p. 341
Brague Rémi. H. B. Timothy, The Early Christian Apologists and Greek Philosophy, exemplified by Iren...
Courcelle Pierre. John Ferguson, Clement of Alexandria (T. W. A. S., 289), 1974. In: Revue des Étude...
Simon Marcel. Ernest Barker, From Alexander to Constantine. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1956. In: Revue...
Hornus Jean-Michel. E. F. Osborn, The philosophy of Clement of Alexandria. (Texts and Studies, secon...
Mehat André. E. F. Osborn. The philosophy of Clement of Alexandria. In: Revue de l'histoire des reli...
Prieur Jean-Marc. Eric Osborn, Clement of Alexandria, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005. I...
Ziegler Thierry. E. Osborn, The beginning of christian philosophy. Cambridge, Cambridge University P...
Nautin Pierre. E. Osborn. The Beginning of Christian Philosophy. In: Revue de l'histoire des religio...
Mehat André. S. R. C. Lilla. Clement of Alexandria. A Study in Christian Platonism and Gnosticism. I...
Hornus Jean-Michel. Paul Elmer More et Franck Leslie Cross, Anglicanism, the thought and practice of...
Monod Victor. Clement. C. J. Webb, professeur à Oxford, A study of religious thought in England from...
One of the most important exponents of the School of Alexandria, Clement of Alexandria (ca. 150. – c...
Nautin Pierre. J. E. L. Oulton et H. Chadwick. Alexandrian Christianity. Selected Translations of Cl...
Mondésert Claude. 88. Lilla (Salvatore R. C), Clement of Alexandria, a Study in Christian Platonism ...
An assessment of Clement of Alexandria as a Christian philosopher of late antiquity
Brague Rémi. H. B. Timothy, The Early Christian Apologists and Greek Philosophy, exemplified by Iren...
Courcelle Pierre. John Ferguson, Clement of Alexandria (T. W. A. S., 289), 1974. In: Revue des Étude...
Simon Marcel. Ernest Barker, From Alexander to Constantine. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1956. In: Revue...
Hornus Jean-Michel. E. F. Osborn, The philosophy of Clement of Alexandria. (Texts and Studies, secon...
Mehat André. E. F. Osborn. The philosophy of Clement of Alexandria. In: Revue de l'histoire des reli...
Prieur Jean-Marc. Eric Osborn, Clement of Alexandria, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005. I...
Ziegler Thierry. E. Osborn, The beginning of christian philosophy. Cambridge, Cambridge University P...
Nautin Pierre. E. Osborn. The Beginning of Christian Philosophy. In: Revue de l'histoire des religio...
Mehat André. S. R. C. Lilla. Clement of Alexandria. A Study in Christian Platonism and Gnosticism. I...
Hornus Jean-Michel. Paul Elmer More et Franck Leslie Cross, Anglicanism, the thought and practice of...
Monod Victor. Clement. C. J. Webb, professeur à Oxford, A study of religious thought in England from...
One of the most important exponents of the School of Alexandria, Clement of Alexandria (ca. 150. – c...
Nautin Pierre. J. E. L. Oulton et H. Chadwick. Alexandrian Christianity. Selected Translations of Cl...
Mondésert Claude. 88. Lilla (Salvatore R. C), Clement of Alexandria, a Study in Christian Platonism ...
An assessment of Clement of Alexandria as a Christian philosopher of late antiquity
Brague Rémi. H. B. Timothy, The Early Christian Apologists and Greek Philosophy, exemplified by Iren...
Courcelle Pierre. John Ferguson, Clement of Alexandria (T. W. A. S., 289), 1974. In: Revue des Étude...
Simon Marcel. Ernest Barker, From Alexander to Constantine. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1956. In: Revue...