A research on the knowledge of Latin metrics as testified in the glosses of an Irish manuscript from the IXth c. (Saint-Gall 904). Every gloss is commented upon with much details, in order to identify the works on Latin metrics which might have been used or known.Rijcklof Homan, Moines irlandais et métrique latine Recherche sur les connaissances de métrique latine attestées dans les gloses d’un manuscrit irlandais du IXe s. (Saint-Gall 904). Par un commentaire détaillé de chaque glose, l’étude s’attache à identifier les traités de métrique latine qui ont été utilisés ou dont la doctrine était connue.Hofman Rijcklof Henri Frans. Moines irlandais et métrique latine. In: Etudes Celtiques, vol. 27, 1990. pp. 235-266
Moreux Bernard. L'utilisation des méthodes quantitatives en linguistique grecque et latine. In: L'an...
The study of late Latin can be carried out not only from Latin texts, but also through contemporary ...
This lecture will explore the manuscript tradition of Barhebraeus’ Metrical Grammar in the light of ...
International audienceThe Science of Measurement, the cilm al-misāḥa, was a significant geometric di...
Les Irlandais du Moyen Âge connaissaient plusieurs des œuvres de Bède. Ils en glosèrent certaines et...
A study of the different ways of overcoming the problem of writing Latin fiction in England at the e...
Bishops in early medieval Ireland - The traditional view in modern historiography has been that the ...
The Irish specificity in the early Middle Ages is partly due to the fact that it was never occupied ...
From its beginning onwards Constantinople had a mixed population with an important Latin-speaking co...
Kerlouégan François. Les citations d’auteurs latins profanes dans les Vies de saints bretons carolin...
La science du mesurage, lec ilm al-misāḥa, est une discipline géométrique significative tant en Orie...
Three 9th century commentaries onDonatus' « Ar s Major ». The arrival of new Irish scholars in seve...
Delw y Byd : the Welsh medieval translation of a Latin encyclopaedia and the creation of a geographi...
Mythological aspects of the Old Irish grammatical tradition. The Old Irish grammatical tradition com...
Amacker, R. (1996), "Le traitement des diphtongues grecques et latines chez Terentianus le Maure: br...
Moreux Bernard. L'utilisation des méthodes quantitatives en linguistique grecque et latine. In: L'an...
The study of late Latin can be carried out not only from Latin texts, but also through contemporary ...
This lecture will explore the manuscript tradition of Barhebraeus’ Metrical Grammar in the light of ...
International audienceThe Science of Measurement, the cilm al-misāḥa, was a significant geometric di...
Les Irlandais du Moyen Âge connaissaient plusieurs des œuvres de Bède. Ils en glosèrent certaines et...
A study of the different ways of overcoming the problem of writing Latin fiction in England at the e...
Bishops in early medieval Ireland - The traditional view in modern historiography has been that the ...
The Irish specificity in the early Middle Ages is partly due to the fact that it was never occupied ...
From its beginning onwards Constantinople had a mixed population with an important Latin-speaking co...
Kerlouégan François. Les citations d’auteurs latins profanes dans les Vies de saints bretons carolin...
La science du mesurage, lec ilm al-misāḥa, est une discipline géométrique significative tant en Orie...
Three 9th century commentaries onDonatus' « Ar s Major ». The arrival of new Irish scholars in seve...
Delw y Byd : the Welsh medieval translation of a Latin encyclopaedia and the creation of a geographi...
Mythological aspects of the Old Irish grammatical tradition. The Old Irish grammatical tradition com...
Amacker, R. (1996), "Le traitement des diphtongues grecques et latines chez Terentianus le Maure: br...
Moreux Bernard. L'utilisation des méthodes quantitatives en linguistique grecque et latine. In: L'an...
The study of late Latin can be carried out not only from Latin texts, but also through contemporary ...
This lecture will explore the manuscript tradition of Barhebraeus’ Metrical Grammar in the light of ...