Meylan Nicolas. Bruce Lincoln, Gods and Demons, Priests and Scholars : Critical Explorations in the History of Religions, Chicago – London, The University of Chicago Press, 2012. In: ASDIWAL. Revue genevoise d'anthropologie et d'histoire des religions, n°7, 2012. pp. 239-240
Stehly Ralph. S.G.F. Brandon, Religion in Ancient History, Studies in Ideas, Men and Events. Londres...
Stehly Ralph. Ugo Bianchi, The History of Religions. Leyde, E.J. Brill, 1975. In: Revue d'histoire e...
La Rédaction (Asdiwal). Charlie et nous. Violences religieuses et histoire des religions / Charlie a...
Meylan Nicolas. Bruce Lincoln, Gods and Demons, Priests and Scholars : Critical Explorations in the ...
Gignoux Philippe. B. Lincoln. Priests, Warriors and Cattle. A Study in the Ecology of Religions. In:...
Prescendi Francesca. Claude Calame, Bruce Lincoln éds., Comparer en histoire des religions antiques,...
Bouvier David. Bruce Lincoln. Myth, Cosmos, and Society. Indo-European Themes of Creation and Destru...
This article analyses Bruce Lincolns Theses on Method for the study of religion. Since Lincoln publi...
Matter Michel. Andrew Cain, Noel Lenski (éd.), The Power of Religion in Late Antiquity, (Selected Pa...
Zimmerlin Daniel. Jon Butler and Harry S. Stout (eds.). Religion in American History: a Reader. In: ...
Jacob Edmond. Thorkild Jacobsen : The Treasures of Darkness. A History of Mesopotamian Religion, New...
Borgeaud Philippe. Pygmalion et l’histoire des religions / Pygmalion and the History of Religions. I...
Maigret Éric. Bruce (Steve) éd. The Sociology of Religion. In: Archives de sciences sociales des rel...
Auwers Jean-Marie. Stephen Mitchell, Peter Van Nuffelen (eds.), Monotheism between Pagans and Christ...
Dean J. James R. Lewis, Sarah M. Lewis (éd.), Sacred Schisms. How Religions Divide, Cambridge, Cambr...
Stehly Ralph. S.G.F. Brandon, Religion in Ancient History, Studies in Ideas, Men and Events. Londres...
Stehly Ralph. Ugo Bianchi, The History of Religions. Leyde, E.J. Brill, 1975. In: Revue d'histoire e...
La Rédaction (Asdiwal). Charlie et nous. Violences religieuses et histoire des religions / Charlie a...
Meylan Nicolas. Bruce Lincoln, Gods and Demons, Priests and Scholars : Critical Explorations in the ...
Gignoux Philippe. B. Lincoln. Priests, Warriors and Cattle. A Study in the Ecology of Religions. In:...
Prescendi Francesca. Claude Calame, Bruce Lincoln éds., Comparer en histoire des religions antiques,...
Bouvier David. Bruce Lincoln. Myth, Cosmos, and Society. Indo-European Themes of Creation and Destru...
This article analyses Bruce Lincolns Theses on Method for the study of religion. Since Lincoln publi...
Matter Michel. Andrew Cain, Noel Lenski (éd.), The Power of Religion in Late Antiquity, (Selected Pa...
Zimmerlin Daniel. Jon Butler and Harry S. Stout (eds.). Religion in American History: a Reader. In: ...
Jacob Edmond. Thorkild Jacobsen : The Treasures of Darkness. A History of Mesopotamian Religion, New...
Borgeaud Philippe. Pygmalion et l’histoire des religions / Pygmalion and the History of Religions. I...
Maigret Éric. Bruce (Steve) éd. The Sociology of Religion. In: Archives de sciences sociales des rel...
Auwers Jean-Marie. Stephen Mitchell, Peter Van Nuffelen (eds.), Monotheism between Pagans and Christ...
Dean J. James R. Lewis, Sarah M. Lewis (éd.), Sacred Schisms. How Religions Divide, Cambridge, Cambr...
Stehly Ralph. S.G.F. Brandon, Religion in Ancient History, Studies in Ideas, Men and Events. Londres...
Stehly Ralph. Ugo Bianchi, The History of Religions. Leyde, E.J. Brill, 1975. In: Revue d'histoire e...
La Rédaction (Asdiwal). Charlie et nous. Violences religieuses et histoire des religions / Charlie a...