Ab-initio-Studie von Magnonen in linearen und nichtlinearen Regimen

  • Singh, Nisha
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Publication date
January 2019


Low energy excitations (< 1eV) are of utmost importance for understanding the elec- tronic, magnetic, and thermodynamical properties of any material. The collective excita- tions of spin in this energy regime are magnons, which are quantized spin-waves. Recent developments in the field of spin-dynamics have opened up the world of femtomagnetism, whereby the spin degree-of-freedom is controlled using ultrafast laser pulses. Thus manipu- lating magnons using femtomagnetism holds great promise for future technological devices operating on ultrafast timescales. In order to reach this goal, it is vital that we are able to accurately describe these magnon excitations in order to understand, and ultimately control them. The objective of t...

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