Sıçan nervus hypoglossus ultrastrüktürü rezeksiyondan sonra incelendi. Bu segmentler Caulfield fiksatifinde immersiyonla fikse edildi ve EM'ta görüntülendi. Bu çalışmada ana bulgu, büyük ve orta çaplı myelinli aksonlar ile myelinsiz aksonlardır. Schwann hücreleri, geniş ve orta çaplı myelinli aksonlar ve myelinsiz aksonlarla birlikte gözlendi. Bu hücreler dıştan kollagen fibrillerle çevriliydi. Nervus hypoglossusun Remak kordonlarının 5-7 myelinsiz akson içerdiği gözlendi. Aksoplasmik organeller, neuroflament, neurotubulus, aksoplasmik reticulum ve mitokondriumdan oluşmuştur. Myelinsiz aksonlarda neurotubuluslarm, neuroflamentlere göre rölatif olarak fazla olduğu saptandı. Aksoplasmik retikulumun birbirleri ile bağlantılı tubul ve vezikülle...
Since its initial description over a century ago the 'incisure ' of Schmidt-Lanterman has ...
2EMHFWLYH Age-related changes occur in many different systems of the body. Many eld-erly people sho...
Only a few anatomic studies of the entire course of the hypoglossal nerve (cranial nerve XII) have b...
Su çalışmada, sıçanların, sinus cavernosus içersinde seyreden n. oculomotoriusa ait liflerinin elekt...
Sinus cavernosus içinde seyreden n. abducense ait myelinli ve myelinsiz aksonların ultrastrüktürel y...
Ultrastructure of myelinated and unmyelinated axons of abducens nerve which extending in cavernous s...
An ultrastructural study of the hypoglossal nucleus (XII) in the rat has revealed two distinct neuro...
We employed experimental degeneration, tract-tracing with wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated with horse...
The nerve terminals of intrinsic muscular fibers of the tongue of adult wistar rats was studied by u...
The nerve terminals of intrinsic muscular fibers of the tongue of adult wistar rats was studied by u...
SummaryAim: Perform a morphometric analysis of the myelinic fibers of the right hypoglossal nerve, i...
The rat brachial plexus has gained interest recently in neuro-regenerative research due to the advan...
To evaluate the general recovery process of sensory neural tracts of the inferior alveolar nerve, te...
Background: The number and calibre of myelinated and unmyelinated fibres of the sacrococcygeal dorsa...
Objective: Only a few anatomic studies of the entire course of the hypoglossal nerve (cranial nerve ...
Since its initial description over a century ago the 'incisure ' of Schmidt-Lanterman has ...
2EMHFWLYH Age-related changes occur in many different systems of the body. Many eld-erly people sho...
Only a few anatomic studies of the entire course of the hypoglossal nerve (cranial nerve XII) have b...
Su çalışmada, sıçanların, sinus cavernosus içersinde seyreden n. oculomotoriusa ait liflerinin elekt...
Sinus cavernosus içinde seyreden n. abducense ait myelinli ve myelinsiz aksonların ultrastrüktürel y...
Ultrastructure of myelinated and unmyelinated axons of abducens nerve which extending in cavernous s...
An ultrastructural study of the hypoglossal nucleus (XII) in the rat has revealed two distinct neuro...
We employed experimental degeneration, tract-tracing with wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated with horse...
The nerve terminals of intrinsic muscular fibers of the tongue of adult wistar rats was studied by u...
The nerve terminals of intrinsic muscular fibers of the tongue of adult wistar rats was studied by u...
SummaryAim: Perform a morphometric analysis of the myelinic fibers of the right hypoglossal nerve, i...
The rat brachial plexus has gained interest recently in neuro-regenerative research due to the advan...
To evaluate the general recovery process of sensory neural tracts of the inferior alveolar nerve, te...
Background: The number and calibre of myelinated and unmyelinated fibres of the sacrococcygeal dorsa...
Objective: Only a few anatomic studies of the entire course of the hypoglossal nerve (cranial nerve ...
Since its initial description over a century ago the 'incisure ' of Schmidt-Lanterman has ...
2EMHFWLYH Age-related changes occur in many different systems of the body. Many eld-erly people sho...
Only a few anatomic studies of the entire course of the hypoglossal nerve (cranial nerve XII) have b...