Aktinomikoz nadir görülen kronik enfeksiyöz bir hastalıktır. En sık görülen hastalık formu servikofasiyal enfeksiyondur. Karaciğer tutulumu tüm aktinomikoz enfeksiyonlarının %5’ini oluşturur (1,2). Abdominal aktinomikoz enfeksiyonu bulunan olguların ise yaklaşık %15’inde karaciğer lezyonlarının eşlik ettiği bildirilmekte ve karaciğer tutulumunun batın içindeki herhangi bir primer enfeksiyon odağına sekonder olarak meydana geldiğine inanılmaktadır (1,3,4). Ancak bazı olgularda enfeksiyonun kaynaklandığı primer odak saptanamaz ve bu olgular primer ya da izole hepatik aktinomikoz olarak sınıflandı rılır (1,4,5). Hepatik aktinomikoz sıklıkla soliter apse formasyonu şeklinde izlenir. Buna karşın diğer kronik inflamatuar olaylarda da görülebildiğ...
Hepatic actinomycosis poses a difficult problem in both diagnosis and management. We report the mana...
Hepatic actinomycosis poses a difficult problem in both diagnosis and management. We report the mana...
Hepatosplenic abscess caused by Actinomyces is rare and often misdiagnosed as malignancy. Herein, we...
PubMed ID: 15236133Actinomycosis is an uncommon chronic infection in which primary liver involvement...
Actinomycosis often manifests with abscesses in the cervicofacial region. Hepatic involvement occurs...
AbstractActinomycosis is a rare disorder caused by an anaerobic gram-positive bacillus (Actinomyces)...
Actinomycosis is a rare disorder caused by an anaerobic gram-positive bacillus (Actinomyces), predom...
Hepatic actinomycosis poses a difficult problem in both diagnosis and management. We report the mana...
Background: Hepatic Actinomycosis (HA) is one of the infections that causes disorders in patients wh...
Hepatic Actinomycosis (HA) is a very rare abdominal actinomycosis that can be confused with hepatic ...
肝炎症性偽腫瘍(inflammatory pseudotumor, 以下IPT) は感染や炎症に対し, 反応性に形成された腫瘤性病変である。病因病態は様々であり腫瘤の構成成分や分布が炎症の原因や時期に...
AbstractINTRODUCTIONInflammatory pseudotumor (IPT) is a rare lesion consisted of inflammatory and my...
Primitive actinomycotic abscess of the liver is extremely rare: in the world literature are reported...
RATIONALE: Immunoglobulin (Ig)G4-related pseudotumors of the liver are very rare diseases that a...
The authors present a rare case of inflammatory pseudotumor of the liver whose differential diagnosi...
Hepatic actinomycosis poses a difficult problem in both diagnosis and management. We report the mana...
Hepatic actinomycosis poses a difficult problem in both diagnosis and management. We report the mana...
Hepatosplenic abscess caused by Actinomyces is rare and often misdiagnosed as malignancy. Herein, we...
PubMed ID: 15236133Actinomycosis is an uncommon chronic infection in which primary liver involvement...
Actinomycosis often manifests with abscesses in the cervicofacial region. Hepatic involvement occurs...
AbstractActinomycosis is a rare disorder caused by an anaerobic gram-positive bacillus (Actinomyces)...
Actinomycosis is a rare disorder caused by an anaerobic gram-positive bacillus (Actinomyces), predom...
Hepatic actinomycosis poses a difficult problem in both diagnosis and management. We report the mana...
Background: Hepatic Actinomycosis (HA) is one of the infections that causes disorders in patients wh...
Hepatic Actinomycosis (HA) is a very rare abdominal actinomycosis that can be confused with hepatic ...
肝炎症性偽腫瘍(inflammatory pseudotumor, 以下IPT) は感染や炎症に対し, 反応性に形成された腫瘤性病変である。病因病態は様々であり腫瘤の構成成分や分布が炎症の原因や時期に...
AbstractINTRODUCTIONInflammatory pseudotumor (IPT) is a rare lesion consisted of inflammatory and my...
Primitive actinomycotic abscess of the liver is extremely rare: in the world literature are reported...
RATIONALE: Immunoglobulin (Ig)G4-related pseudotumors of the liver are very rare diseases that a...
The authors present a rare case of inflammatory pseudotumor of the liver whose differential diagnosi...
Hepatic actinomycosis poses a difficult problem in both diagnosis and management. We report the mana...
Hepatic actinomycosis poses a difficult problem in both diagnosis and management. We report the mana...
Hepatosplenic abscess caused by Actinomyces is rare and often misdiagnosed as malignancy. Herein, we...