For many years, children's literature has been booming in our society and books remain an indispensable element in the private sphere as well as in the education sector. Books are a means to pass on a lot of behavioral and language messages through different characters and situations to which children can easily identify themselves to. However, they sometimes are responsible for passing on gendered stereotypes which can have an impact on the development of one's identify. The government took this phenomenon into account and set up measures to change stereotypical thinking.Depuis de nombreuses années, la littérature de jeunesse est en essor dans notre société. Le livre reste un outil indispensable dans le milieu éducatif et personnel. Il per...
In order to be able to put words to what they are feeling, there is fundamental for the child to ide...
En tant que produit culturel, la littérature de jeunesse véhicule des représentations à l’égard de l...
Des œuvres innovantes de la littérature de jeunesse proposent aux jeunes enfants de devenir auteur, ...
Children's literature is omnipresent in the child's universe and is considered an essential support ...
La vitalité du secteur jeunesse de l'édition est un indice, parmi d'autres, de la place importante q...
The subject of this study is gender equality among kids at school. Through our experimentation we tr...
In 2019, the Ministry of Education and Youth wishes to set up a « school of trust », promoting the s...
Souvent décriée pour les représentations stéréotypées du masculin et du féminin qu’elle véhicule, la...
After a therotical framework defining the main concepts of this subject : gender stereotypes and chi...
Among other signs, the vitality of the children's book publishing field bears testimony to the impor...
Dans le domaine éditorial, l’élaboration des contenus est soumise à la tension établie entre, d’une ...
Since 1989, guidelines of diversity and gender equality have been included in the Education Code. St...
Following research on child development and the place of children's literature in school, an experim...
This research work, focused on an exprimentation concerning a 27 pupils classroom in primary school,...
Children's literature has often been a source of controversy. Since people believe that books can be...
In order to be able to put words to what they are feeling, there is fundamental for the child to ide...
En tant que produit culturel, la littérature de jeunesse véhicule des représentations à l’égard de l...
Des œuvres innovantes de la littérature de jeunesse proposent aux jeunes enfants de devenir auteur, ...
Children's literature is omnipresent in the child's universe and is considered an essential support ...
La vitalité du secteur jeunesse de l'édition est un indice, parmi d'autres, de la place importante q...
The subject of this study is gender equality among kids at school. Through our experimentation we tr...
In 2019, the Ministry of Education and Youth wishes to set up a « school of trust », promoting the s...
Souvent décriée pour les représentations stéréotypées du masculin et du féminin qu’elle véhicule, la...
After a therotical framework defining the main concepts of this subject : gender stereotypes and chi...
Among other signs, the vitality of the children's book publishing field bears testimony to the impor...
Dans le domaine éditorial, l’élaboration des contenus est soumise à la tension établie entre, d’une ...
Since 1989, guidelines of diversity and gender equality have been included in the Education Code. St...
Following research on child development and the place of children's literature in school, an experim...
This research work, focused on an exprimentation concerning a 27 pupils classroom in primary school,...
Children's literature has often been a source of controversy. Since people believe that books can be...
In order to be able to put words to what they are feeling, there is fundamental for the child to ide...
En tant que produit culturel, la littérature de jeunesse véhicule des représentations à l’égard de l...
Des œuvres innovantes de la littérature de jeunesse proposent aux jeunes enfants de devenir auteur, ...