Not AvailableNinety-nine sorghum landraces collected from Uttar Pradesh were evaluated during kharif 2008 and 2009 for 22 agro-morphological traits using minimal descriptors developed by NBPGR. Analysis of variance showed significant differences among genotypes for 22 traits. Large variation among genotypes was found for the traits viz., days to 50% flowering (66-87 days), leaf length (62.1-101.5 cm), leaf width (5.0-9.0 cm), number of leaves/ plant (9-16), plant height (215.1-383.0 cm), ear head length (10.1-34.3 cm), ear head width (3.7-9.5 cm), 100- seed weight (1.7-3.5 g), days to maturity (103-126 days), stem fresh weight/5plants (1063-3200 g) and stem dry weight/5plants (569-2038 g). Selections can be made for traits viz., days t...