Not AvailableTen multipurpose tree species, Terminalia arjuna, Azadirechta indica, Prosopis juliflora, Pongamia pinnata, Casuarina equisetifolia, Prosopis alba, Acacia nilotica, Eucalyptus tereticornis, Pithecellobium dulce and Cassia siamea, were raised in a monoculture tree cropping system on the sodic soil of Gangetic alluvium in north India (26º 47' N: 80º46' E) for 10 years to evaluate the biomass and bio-energy production. The soil was compact, sodic and impervious to water associated with nutrient deficiency or toxicity. Maximum plant height was recorded with E. tereticornis followed by C. equisetifolia and P. juliflora. A. nilotica performed better than the other species in terms of diameter at breast height (DBH) with a basal area...