Økt kunnskap om endringer blant trærne i tregrensen, hvordan de manifesterer seg og hva som ligger til grunn for dem, har vært studert i over 100 år. Begrensninger i temperatur har lenge vært ansett som en av de viktigste grunnene til den trærnes reduserte etablering og vekst i overgangen mot de alpine fjellområdene. Samtidig som at klimaforandringer har blitt mer og mer fremtredende har det også blitt en økning i forskning med mål om å avdekke hva som vil komme til å skje i tregrensen i fremtiden. Resultatene fra en økning i empirisk forskning fra rundt andre verdenskrig indikerer at grunnlaget for etablering og vekst i tregrenseøkotonen er mer komplisert enn at den kun er begrenset av temperatur, og at andre faktorer som nedbør, topografi...
Temperature-limited ecosystems are believed to be extremely sensitive to global warming and the upwa...
This thesis deals with effects of climate on tree growth of the dominating conifer species, Picea ab...
This paper elaborates and visualizes processes recorded in a recent regional and multi-site study of...
Aim The treeline is an obvious ecotone between forest and tundra ecosystems. Climatic warming is exp...
The environmental effects that determine the altitude of the tree line have been discussed for a lon...
Purpose Treelines and forest lines (TFLs) have received growing interest in recent decades, due to t...
Aerial photo interpretation shows a recent densification of trees has been occurring between 1960 an...
Against the background of past, recent and future climate change, the present thesis addresses eleva...
Aim: Models project that climate warming will cause the tree line to move to higher elevations in al...
Global warming is a key topic of present-day research, with the effects projected to be enlarged in ...
The relationship of climate variation with growth of European beech and Norway spruce was investigat...
As temperatures on Earth are rising, the Polar regions experience most rapid climatic changes. In th...
Klimaet er i endring, noko som vil påverka veksten, samansetninga og utbreiinga til vegetasjonen. Ma...
The Earth's climate system has recently experienced substantial warming which likely impacts tempera...
1. Bakgrunn. Den nåværende utviklingen av et varmere klima antas å føre til både økt vekst og spredn...
Temperature-limited ecosystems are believed to be extremely sensitive to global warming and the upwa...
This thesis deals with effects of climate on tree growth of the dominating conifer species, Picea ab...
This paper elaborates and visualizes processes recorded in a recent regional and multi-site study of...
Aim The treeline is an obvious ecotone between forest and tundra ecosystems. Climatic warming is exp...
The environmental effects that determine the altitude of the tree line have been discussed for a lon...
Purpose Treelines and forest lines (TFLs) have received growing interest in recent decades, due to t...
Aerial photo interpretation shows a recent densification of trees has been occurring between 1960 an...
Against the background of past, recent and future climate change, the present thesis addresses eleva...
Aim: Models project that climate warming will cause the tree line to move to higher elevations in al...
Global warming is a key topic of present-day research, with the effects projected to be enlarged in ...
The relationship of climate variation with growth of European beech and Norway spruce was investigat...
As temperatures on Earth are rising, the Polar regions experience most rapid climatic changes. In th...
Klimaet er i endring, noko som vil påverka veksten, samansetninga og utbreiinga til vegetasjonen. Ma...
The Earth's climate system has recently experienced substantial warming which likely impacts tempera...
1. Bakgrunn. Den nåværende utviklingen av et varmere klima antas å føre til både økt vekst og spredn...
Temperature-limited ecosystems are believed to be extremely sensitive to global warming and the upwa...
This thesis deals with effects of climate on tree growth of the dominating conifer species, Picea ab...
This paper elaborates and visualizes processes recorded in a recent regional and multi-site study of...