I Norge er det beregnet en økning i temperatur og nedbør frem mot år 2100. Det vil få ulike konsekvenser for skogbruket. I denne oppgaven har jeg undersøkt hvordan norske og svenske skogeiere oppfatter klimaendringene, om de er innstilt på å tilpasse skogskjøtselen til de forventede klimaendringene og hva slags rådgivning de får for å skape en klimarobust fremtidsskog. En spørreundersøkelse ble distribuert gjennom 7 skogeierorganisasjoner i Norge, den samme undersøkelsen oversatt til svensk ble distribuert gjennom 4 skogeierforeninger i Sverige. Totalt ble undersøkelsen sendt til 5057 tilfeldig utvalgte norske skogeier og 4997 tilfeldig utvalgte svenske skogeiere. Undersøkelsen ble sendt ut via epost med invitasjon til å delta. Deltakerne s...
To study whether, why, and how forestry decision-makers in Southeastern Norway adapt to climate chan...
To adapt to climate change, forest managers request information on management options for obtaining ...
Climate change will gradually change the current risk picture in the forestry, the forest is also ex...
Klimaet er i endring og det vil bli tørrere somre, men med mer intens nedbør når det regner. Vintren...
Conditions for Swedish forestry are expected to change in the future due to the climate. Among other...
En intervjustudie om skäl till beslut om klimatanpassning genomfördes med nio enskilda privata skogs...
Klimatförändringarna innebär att risker som stormskador, barkborre och skogsbrand kan komma att öka ...
The overall objective of this thesis is therefore to study whether, how, and why (not) risk and unce...
Sweden and Canada are both countries with remarkable forest resources and a large dependence on the ...
Climate scenarios for Sweden show that average temperatures could rise by 4-7 degrees by year 2100. ...
Increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will have an extensive impact on Sweden's forests. Thes...
Adaptation to climate change in forestry has become a growing concern, in part due to the impact of ...
Klimatet är föränderligt och jordens medeltemperatur har ökat. Troligen kommer det att leda till stö...
How can the climate change impact forest growth and the production cycle? What does the scientist ex...
Klimatförändringarna gör att bland annat medeltemperaturen kommer att öka, tillväxtsäsongen blir län...
To study whether, why, and how forestry decision-makers in Southeastern Norway adapt to climate chan...
To adapt to climate change, forest managers request information on management options for obtaining ...
Climate change will gradually change the current risk picture in the forestry, the forest is also ex...
Klimaet er i endring og det vil bli tørrere somre, men med mer intens nedbør når det regner. Vintren...
Conditions for Swedish forestry are expected to change in the future due to the climate. Among other...
En intervjustudie om skäl till beslut om klimatanpassning genomfördes med nio enskilda privata skogs...
Klimatförändringarna innebär att risker som stormskador, barkborre och skogsbrand kan komma att öka ...
The overall objective of this thesis is therefore to study whether, how, and why (not) risk and unce...
Sweden and Canada are both countries with remarkable forest resources and a large dependence on the ...
Climate scenarios for Sweden show that average temperatures could rise by 4-7 degrees by year 2100. ...
Increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will have an extensive impact on Sweden's forests. Thes...
Adaptation to climate change in forestry has become a growing concern, in part due to the impact of ...
Klimatet är föränderligt och jordens medeltemperatur har ökat. Troligen kommer det att leda till stö...
How can the climate change impact forest growth and the production cycle? What does the scientist ex...
Klimatförändringarna gör att bland annat medeltemperaturen kommer att öka, tillväxtsäsongen blir län...
To study whether, why, and how forestry decision-makers in Southeastern Norway adapt to climate chan...
To adapt to climate change, forest managers request information on management options for obtaining ...
Climate change will gradually change the current risk picture in the forestry, the forest is also ex...