Planting after clearcutting is the most common establishment method when establishing Norway spruce (Picea abies) in Norwegian forestry, and during 2015 it was planted about 31,3 mill. seedlings, distributed on 17 200 ha. Regeneration after clearcutting is mandated through Forestry act and land owners in Norway are therefore obliged to ensure this within three years after final cutting. Establishment success and development of Norway spruce seedlings depends on several factors and the main purpose of this experiment was therefore to investigate how seedlings react and develop due to different treatments. In late May, 2015, 772 two-year old containerized Norway spruce seedlings with six different treatments were planted on a fairly high site...
The forests in Sweden have, for a long time, been managed intensively. This has led to even-aged sta...
The competition for Norway spruce pulp wood in Central Sweden increases, forcing the supply-structur...
Spring Pasque Flower, Pulsatilla vernalis (L.) Mill, is a perennial plant which grows in open and sa...
One key factor in silviculture today is sustainability. In order to achieve sustainability it may be...
Over the past 40 years 600 000 ha of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta ssp. latifolia (Engelm.) Critchf...
Water absorption in wood in service is of great importance both because of the resulting dimensional...
Approximately 77% of global arable land use is devoted to forage cultivation, which is the basis for...
Humle (Humulus lupulus L) har lang tradisjon som kulturplante i Norge, men kunnskapen om dyrking av...
Panzacchi, M., van Moorter, B., Tveraa, T., Rolandsen, C. M., Gundersen, V., Lelotte, L., A., Dos Sa...
Mindre aktive skogeiere og mindre fokus på skoghygiene, kombinert med større og større maskiner som ...
Pedersen, B., Nybø, S., Sæther, S. A. (eds.) 2016. Nature Index for Norway 2015. Ecological framewo...
The research on the genetics of bull fertility is limited, many studies are old, estimates are often...
Jern (Fe) har i de senere årene fått økt oppmerksomhet på grunn av den stadig økende konsentrasjonen...
Långsiktiga effekter av skonsam markberedning följt av maskinell plantering har inte testats. Detta ...
Blått lys (BL) kan påvirke plantevekst og -utvikling på flere måter, og agurk (Cucumis sativus) er s...
The forests in Sweden have, for a long time, been managed intensively. This has led to even-aged sta...
The competition for Norway spruce pulp wood in Central Sweden increases, forcing the supply-structur...
Spring Pasque Flower, Pulsatilla vernalis (L.) Mill, is a perennial plant which grows in open and sa...
One key factor in silviculture today is sustainability. In order to achieve sustainability it may be...
Over the past 40 years 600 000 ha of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta ssp. latifolia (Engelm.) Critchf...
Water absorption in wood in service is of great importance both because of the resulting dimensional...
Approximately 77% of global arable land use is devoted to forage cultivation, which is the basis for...
Humle (Humulus lupulus L) har lang tradisjon som kulturplante i Norge, men kunnskapen om dyrking av...
Panzacchi, M., van Moorter, B., Tveraa, T., Rolandsen, C. M., Gundersen, V., Lelotte, L., A., Dos Sa...
Mindre aktive skogeiere og mindre fokus på skoghygiene, kombinert med større og større maskiner som ...
Pedersen, B., Nybø, S., Sæther, S. A. (eds.) 2016. Nature Index for Norway 2015. Ecological framewo...
The research on the genetics of bull fertility is limited, many studies are old, estimates are often...
Jern (Fe) har i de senere årene fått økt oppmerksomhet på grunn av den stadig økende konsentrasjonen...
Långsiktiga effekter av skonsam markberedning följt av maskinell plantering har inte testats. Detta ...
Blått lys (BL) kan påvirke plantevekst og -utvikling på flere måter, og agurk (Cucumis sativus) er s...
The forests in Sweden have, for a long time, been managed intensively. This has led to even-aged sta...
The competition for Norway spruce pulp wood in Central Sweden increases, forcing the supply-structur...
Spring Pasque Flower, Pulsatilla vernalis (L.) Mill, is a perennial plant which grows in open and sa...