Målet med denne mastergradsoppgaven var å undersøke opptak av kadmium (Cd) i raigras (Lolium perenne Pl.) tilført kadmiumholdig aske fra mikrobølgepyrolysert halm. Dette ble gjort for å undersøke om asken kunne bli benyttet som gjødsel. Ved å tilbakeføre den karbonholdige askeresten, vil karbonkretsløpet ivaretas og viktige næringsstoffer blir tilbakeført til naturen. Det ble høstet halm fra Vollebekk, Ås, den ble tilsatt kadmium og mikrobølgepyrolysert (MBP). Askeresten ble brukt i et vekstforsøk med raigras. Gresset tilført aske vokste godt, og det var ingen tegn til mangelsymptomer eller giftvirkninger. Opptaket av sink, kalsium og magnesium var lavere i raigras tilført aske enn raigras uten aske i vekstmediet. Det er usikkert om det...
Two acid soils (pHCaCl2 4—4.5) synthesized by mixing 1 part by weight of Carex or Sphagnum peat with...
The aim of the experiment was to determine the effect of cadmium (10, 20, 30 and 40 mg Cd · kg-1 soi...
Dyrking av tare er en ny kystnæring i Norge. Ettersom etterspørsel øker, øker også behovet for mer u...
Målet med denne mastergradsoppgaven var å undersøke opptak av kadmium (Cd) i raigras (Lolium perenne...
The aim of the study was to find out to what extent the cadmium contained in fertilizer influences t...
In a pot experiment the cadmium content of wheat grain grown on acid (pHCCaCl2 5.5) loam and clay so...
Denna studie behandlar upptaget av de hälsovådliga metallerna bly, kadmium, tallium, torium och uran...
The cadmium (Cd) content in agricultural soils has increased during the last decades. This toxic hea...
The aim of the study has been to determine the effect of soil contamination with cadmium (10, 20, 30...
The importance of nutrient recycling could not be emphasized enough in to-day’s society. Reduction o...
Two acid soils (pHCaCl2 4—4.5) synthesized by mixing 1 part by weight of Carex or Sphagnum peat with...
The reutilization of residues derived from the bio-energy processes in agriculture is important for ...
Cadmium waste industrial processes are the result of carcinogenic materials. Target organ toxicity i...
Heavy metals are one of the most dangerous contaminants in the natural environment that cause toxi...
In a five week period, the cadmium uptake of radishes in pot experiments made in the greenhouse was ...
Two acid soils (pHCaCl2 4—4.5) synthesized by mixing 1 part by weight of Carex or Sphagnum peat with...
The aim of the experiment was to determine the effect of cadmium (10, 20, 30 and 40 mg Cd · kg-1 soi...
Dyrking av tare er en ny kystnæring i Norge. Ettersom etterspørsel øker, øker også behovet for mer u...
Målet med denne mastergradsoppgaven var å undersøke opptak av kadmium (Cd) i raigras (Lolium perenne...
The aim of the study was to find out to what extent the cadmium contained in fertilizer influences t...
In a pot experiment the cadmium content of wheat grain grown on acid (pHCCaCl2 5.5) loam and clay so...
Denna studie behandlar upptaget av de hälsovådliga metallerna bly, kadmium, tallium, torium och uran...
The cadmium (Cd) content in agricultural soils has increased during the last decades. This toxic hea...
The aim of the study has been to determine the effect of soil contamination with cadmium (10, 20, 30...
The importance of nutrient recycling could not be emphasized enough in to-day’s society. Reduction o...
Two acid soils (pHCaCl2 4—4.5) synthesized by mixing 1 part by weight of Carex or Sphagnum peat with...
The reutilization of residues derived from the bio-energy processes in agriculture is important for ...
Cadmium waste industrial processes are the result of carcinogenic materials. Target organ toxicity i...
Heavy metals are one of the most dangerous contaminants in the natural environment that cause toxi...
In a five week period, the cadmium uptake of radishes in pot experiments made in the greenhouse was ...
Two acid soils (pHCaCl2 4—4.5) synthesized by mixing 1 part by weight of Carex or Sphagnum peat with...
The aim of the experiment was to determine the effect of cadmium (10, 20, 30 and 40 mg Cd · kg-1 soi...
Dyrking av tare er en ny kystnæring i Norge. Ettersom etterspørsel øker, øker også behovet for mer u...