Formålet med denne masteroppgaven var å undersøke hvorvidt kastrering av hunder kan redusere aggressiv atferd hos hunder. Det har blitt gjort en rekke studier på dette tidligere, men mange viser ulike resultater. Derfor bestemte jeg meg for å se om det kunne være noen forskjeller i aggressiv atferd mellom kastrerte og intakte hunder i Norge, og hva kastreringsårsaken er hos norske hunder. Det er ikke tillat å kastrere uten særskilt grunn i Norge. Jeg undersøkte også om effekten av kastrering var avhengig av alder, rasekategori og kjønn. Jeg brukte 112 atferdskonsultasjonsjournaler fra Manimal, hvor 56 angikk kastrerte hunder og 56 angikk intakte hunder. De var alle tilfeldig valgt. Hundene ble delt inn i ulike rasekategorier; små hunder, me...
Hormones influence the social behaviour of dogs. Castration of male dogs induces a reduction of test...
<p>Association of timing of castration with aggression-related responses for male dogs.</p
Kvalitativ atferdsvurdering (Qualitative Behavioural Assessment; QBA) er en metode utviklet av Franc...
Att välja att kastrera sin hanhund är ett vanligt beslut. Djurägare har ofta varierande anledningar ...
Male dogs are often castrated based on the thought that it facilitates well-behavedness. However, th...
Male dogs are often castrated based on the thought that it facilitates well-behavedness. However, th...
Domesticering av hunden har lett fram till en rad olika hundtyper världen över. Alla dessa togs från...
Dogs with behavioral problems This study was made to investigate if there was a problem in today’s s...
Vi har valgt å dele oppgaven inn i to deler; en bokdel og en vitenskapelig del. Dette for at det sku...
It is commonly known that castrated male dogs are more calm and there is less trouble with them than...
Summarizing the knowledge I've gathered the last year by comparing the different regulations and si...
Castration of dogs is a widespread practise with clear justification in population control and knock...
The Norwegian legislation regarding dog keeping is the LOV 2003-07-04 nr 74 (2003), issued by The Mi...
In today's society dogs have become more popular as pets. This increase may result in more dog owner...
Castration of dogs is a widespread practise with clear justification in population control and knock...
Hormones influence the social behaviour of dogs. Castration of male dogs induces a reduction of test...
<p>Association of timing of castration with aggression-related responses for male dogs.</p
Kvalitativ atferdsvurdering (Qualitative Behavioural Assessment; QBA) er en metode utviklet av Franc...
Att välja att kastrera sin hanhund är ett vanligt beslut. Djurägare har ofta varierande anledningar ...
Male dogs are often castrated based on the thought that it facilitates well-behavedness. However, th...
Male dogs are often castrated based on the thought that it facilitates well-behavedness. However, th...
Domesticering av hunden har lett fram till en rad olika hundtyper världen över. Alla dessa togs från...
Dogs with behavioral problems This study was made to investigate if there was a problem in today’s s...
Vi har valgt å dele oppgaven inn i to deler; en bokdel og en vitenskapelig del. Dette for at det sku...
It is commonly known that castrated male dogs are more calm and there is less trouble with them than...
Summarizing the knowledge I've gathered the last year by comparing the different regulations and si...
Castration of dogs is a widespread practise with clear justification in population control and knock...
The Norwegian legislation regarding dog keeping is the LOV 2003-07-04 nr 74 (2003), issued by The Mi...
In today's society dogs have become more popular as pets. This increase may result in more dog owner...
Castration of dogs is a widespread practise with clear justification in population control and knock...
Hormones influence the social behaviour of dogs. Castration of male dogs induces a reduction of test...
<p>Association of timing of castration with aggression-related responses for male dogs.</p
Kvalitativ atferdsvurdering (Qualitative Behavioural Assessment; QBA) er en metode utviklet av Franc...