Although economists have long stressed the limitations of using GDP to evaluate standards of living, the debate was recently reignited by the publication of the Stiglitz report. In 2006, the CEPII proposed an indicator incorporating certain social data items, in terms of equivalent incomes, such as leisure time, poverty associated with unemployment, longevity and size of households; this indicator takes also account of inequalities, exhaustion of natural resources, deterioration of the environment and consumption of fixed capital. In this Letter, we propose to update this indicator and above all to extend it to cover the major emerging countries. Our calculations reveal significant corrections. Generally speaking, however, aside from the fa...
GDP is a widely used category, which measures economic growth, and the government for public policy ...
GDP is the most widely used economic indicator. It is a basis for classifying states in their obsess...
Abstract We propose a measure of living standards for international comparisons. Based on GDP per ca...
We propose a simple summary statistic for a nation’s flow of welfare, mea-sured as a consumption equ...
While global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has increased more than three-fold since 1950, economic we...
For more than eighty years policy makers across the world have been targeting GDP growth as the main...
GDP per inhabitant is the most commonly used indicator for making international comparisons between ...
Right measurement is a powerful instrument for social progress; wrong or imprecise measurement a so...
This paper first highlights the extent to which national income per head will be unreliable as an in...
GDP and GDP per capita are widely used to gauge for living standards across countries. However, they...
© 2015, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. It has become widely accepted that focusing exclu...
It is more important now than ever to come to grips with the limitations of GDP as a measure of well...
Per capita GDP has limited use as a well-being indicator because it does not capture many dimensions...
International comparisons of living standards are still primarily made using GDP per capita, in spit...
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is measured by adding up products and services that have a price tag fo...
GDP is a widely used category, which measures economic growth, and the government for public policy ...
GDP is the most widely used economic indicator. It is a basis for classifying states in their obsess...
Abstract We propose a measure of living standards for international comparisons. Based on GDP per ca...
We propose a simple summary statistic for a nation’s flow of welfare, mea-sured as a consumption equ...
While global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has increased more than three-fold since 1950, economic we...
For more than eighty years policy makers across the world have been targeting GDP growth as the main...
GDP per inhabitant is the most commonly used indicator for making international comparisons between ...
Right measurement is a powerful instrument for social progress; wrong or imprecise measurement a so...
This paper first highlights the extent to which national income per head will be unreliable as an in...
GDP and GDP per capita are widely used to gauge for living standards across countries. However, they...
© 2015, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. It has become widely accepted that focusing exclu...
It is more important now than ever to come to grips with the limitations of GDP as a measure of well...
Per capita GDP has limited use as a well-being indicator because it does not capture many dimensions...
International comparisons of living standards are still primarily made using GDP per capita, in spit...
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is measured by adding up products and services that have a price tag fo...
GDP is a widely used category, which measures economic growth, and the government for public policy ...
GDP is the most widely used economic indicator. It is a basis for classifying states in their obsess...
Abstract We propose a measure of living standards for international comparisons. Based on GDP per ca...