Increasing focus on power dissipation issues in current microprocessors has led to a host of proposals for clock gating and other power-saving techniques. While generally effective at reducing average power, many of these techniques have the undesired side-effect of increasing both the variability of power dissipation and the variability of current drawn by the processor. This increase in current variability, often referred to as the dI/dt problem, can cause supply voltage fluctuations. Such voltage fluctuations lead to unreliable circuits if not addressed, and increasingly expensive chip packaging techniques are needed to mitigate them. This paper proposes and evaluates a methodology for augmenting packaging techniques for dI/dt with micro...
Abstract—Parameter variations have become a dominant chal-lenge in microprocessor design. Voltage va...
ABSTRACT- Future on-board low-voltage, high-current dc-dc voltage regulator module (VRM) requirement...
Parameter variations have become a dominant challenge in microprocessor design. Voltage variation is...
Increasing focus on power dissipation issues in current microprocessors has led to a host of proposa...
As processor clock gating becomes more and more prevalent, the resulting processor current fluctuati...
As processor clock gating becomes more and more prevalent, the resulting processor current fluctuati...
Microprocessor designers use techniques such as clock gat-ing to reduce power dissipation. An unfort...
The Smartphone revolution and the Internet of Things (IoTs) have triggered rapid advances in complex...
Power delivery is a growing reliability concern in micropro-cessors as the industry moves toward fea...
Power delivery is a growing reliability concern in microprocessors as the industry moves toward feat...
textReliability is one of the important issues of recent microprocessor design. Processors must pro...
textReliability is one of the important issues of recent microprocessor design. Processors must pro...
Abstract—Parameter variations have become a dominant chal-lenge in microprocessor design. Voltage va...
Growing power dissipation and clock instability are resisting the continued scaling of high-performa...
Growing power dissipation and clock instability are resisting the continued scaling of high-performa...
Abstract—Parameter variations have become a dominant chal-lenge in microprocessor design. Voltage va...
ABSTRACT- Future on-board low-voltage, high-current dc-dc voltage regulator module (VRM) requirement...
Parameter variations have become a dominant challenge in microprocessor design. Voltage variation is...
Increasing focus on power dissipation issues in current microprocessors has led to a host of proposa...
As processor clock gating becomes more and more prevalent, the resulting processor current fluctuati...
As processor clock gating becomes more and more prevalent, the resulting processor current fluctuati...
Microprocessor designers use techniques such as clock gat-ing to reduce power dissipation. An unfort...
The Smartphone revolution and the Internet of Things (IoTs) have triggered rapid advances in complex...
Power delivery is a growing reliability concern in micropro-cessors as the industry moves toward fea...
Power delivery is a growing reliability concern in microprocessors as the industry moves toward feat...
textReliability is one of the important issues of recent microprocessor design. Processors must pro...
textReliability is one of the important issues of recent microprocessor design. Processors must pro...
Abstract—Parameter variations have become a dominant chal-lenge in microprocessor design. Voltage va...
Growing power dissipation and clock instability are resisting the continued scaling of high-performa...
Growing power dissipation and clock instability are resisting the continued scaling of high-performa...
Abstract—Parameter variations have become a dominant chal-lenge in microprocessor design. Voltage va...
ABSTRACT- Future on-board low-voltage, high-current dc-dc voltage regulator module (VRM) requirement...
Parameter variations have become a dominant challenge in microprocessor design. Voltage variation is...