There are numerous CASE-tools and editing tools for visual languages. Since most of them are restricted to a specific method or language, meta-CASE systems or frameworks which are capable of generating a tool for a specific visual language from its specification were introduced. Examples for this are VisPro, GenEd, DiaGen, VLCC, Progres, MetaEdit and KOGGE. All of these tools do have a means of describing the visual language, like graph grammars or graph schemata, but they focus on the abstract syntactic aspects of the language. Our system JKogge, which is based on KOGGE, does not only cover this aspect but we do also offer facilities to specify visual aspects of the tool, like the windows needed, but especially regarding the look of the sy...
Abstract Visual diagrammatic (VD) notations have always been widely used in software engineering. Su...
Visual modelling notations such as constraint diagrams can be used for the behavioural specification...
This thesis work presents a methodology for modeling and implementing visual languages. The approach...
We present a framework for modeling visual notations and for generating the corresponding visual pro...
AbstractThe visual environment GENGED supports the visual definition of visual languages (VLs). Each...
Different diagrammatic languages are concrete variants of a core metamodel which specifies the way i...
A generic visual language for diagram editing has been created which may be instantiated for a parti...
AbstractVisual languages have an important role in modeling systems, specification of software, and ...
This extended abstract demonstrates that creating editors and environments for visual languages beco...
The paper describes a visual environment generator, the VLPEG system. based on the Symbol Rel...
Considerable effort has been directed towards the development of tools for the inherently complex ta...
This paper discusses a declarative constraint-based picture definition language, Vodl, which serves...
Recently a new metaphor for diagramming, the intelligent diagram has emerged. This new metaphor prov...
AbstractThis extended abstract demonstrates that creating editors and environments for visual langua...
We review some results in the area of using meta techniques to generate language-oriented programmin...
Abstract Visual diagrammatic (VD) notations have always been widely used in software engineering. Su...
Visual modelling notations such as constraint diagrams can be used for the behavioural specification...
This thesis work presents a methodology for modeling and implementing visual languages. The approach...
We present a framework for modeling visual notations and for generating the corresponding visual pro...
AbstractThe visual environment GENGED supports the visual definition of visual languages (VLs). Each...
Different diagrammatic languages are concrete variants of a core metamodel which specifies the way i...
A generic visual language for diagram editing has been created which may be instantiated for a parti...
AbstractVisual languages have an important role in modeling systems, specification of software, and ...
This extended abstract demonstrates that creating editors and environments for visual languages beco...
The paper describes a visual environment generator, the VLPEG system. based on the Symbol Rel...
Considerable effort has been directed towards the development of tools for the inherently complex ta...
This paper discusses a declarative constraint-based picture definition language, Vodl, which serves...
Recently a new metaphor for diagramming, the intelligent diagram has emerged. This new metaphor prov...
AbstractThis extended abstract demonstrates that creating editors and environments for visual langua...
We review some results in the area of using meta techniques to generate language-oriented programmin...
Abstract Visual diagrammatic (VD) notations have always been widely used in software engineering. Su...
Visual modelling notations such as constraint diagrams can be used for the behavioural specification...
This thesis work presents a methodology for modeling and implementing visual languages. The approach...