on the occasion of his 85th birthday. Abstract. A sequence of graphs Gn is iteratively constructible if it can be built from an initial labeled graph by means of a repeated fixed succession of elementary operations involving addition of vertices and edges, deletion of edges, and relabelings. Let Gn be a iteratively constructible sequence of graphs. In a recent paper, [27], M. Noy and A. Ribò have proven linear recurrences with polynomial coefficients for the Tutte polynomials T(Gi,x,y)=T(Gi), i.e. T(Gn+r)=p1(x,y)T(Gn+r−1)+...+ pr(x,y)T(Gn). We show that such linear recurrences hold much more generally for a wide class of graph polynomials (also of labeled or signed graphs), namely they hold for all the extended MSOL-definable graph polynomi...
AbstractA graph polynomial q(G;ζ) has recently been studied by Arratia et al. [The interlace polynom...
AbstractWe relate sequences generated by recurrences with polynomial coefficients to interleaving an...
A recurrence relation is said to have the Laurent property if all of its iterates are Laurent polyno...
Abstract. We show that any graph polynomial from a wide class of graph polynomials yields a recurren...
AbstractAn infinite sequence of graphs {Gn}n⩾0 is called recursive if the Tutte polynomials T(Gn;x,y...
AbstractFor a graph G, a graph recurrence sequence x0,x1,x2,… of vectors is defined by the recurrenc...
Let $T(G;X,Y)$ be the Tutte polynomial for graphs. We study the sequence$t_{a,b}(n) = T(K_n;a,b)$ wh...
Graph polynomials are polynomials associated to graphs that encode the number of subgraphs with give...
summary:We introduce a new concept namely the degree polynomial for the vertices of a simple graph. ...
Graph polynomials are uniformly defined families of graph invariants which are polynomials in some p...
AbstractWe prove several theorems concerning Tutte polynomials T(G,x,y) for recursive families of gr...
A graph polynomial P (G, x) is called reconstructible if it is uniquely determined by the polynomia...
AbstractA recursive family of graphs is defined as a sequence of graphs whose Tutte polynomials sati...
Abstract. We outline a general theory of graph polynomials which covers all the examples we found in...
Abstract. In this paper, we show that the solution to a large class of “tiling” problems is given by...
AbstractA graph polynomial q(G;ζ) has recently been studied by Arratia et al. [The interlace polynom...
AbstractWe relate sequences generated by recurrences with polynomial coefficients to interleaving an...
A recurrence relation is said to have the Laurent property if all of its iterates are Laurent polyno...
Abstract. We show that any graph polynomial from a wide class of graph polynomials yields a recurren...
AbstractAn infinite sequence of graphs {Gn}n⩾0 is called recursive if the Tutte polynomials T(Gn;x,y...
AbstractFor a graph G, a graph recurrence sequence x0,x1,x2,… of vectors is defined by the recurrenc...
Let $T(G;X,Y)$ be the Tutte polynomial for graphs. We study the sequence$t_{a,b}(n) = T(K_n;a,b)$ wh...
Graph polynomials are polynomials associated to graphs that encode the number of subgraphs with give...
summary:We introduce a new concept namely the degree polynomial for the vertices of a simple graph. ...
Graph polynomials are uniformly defined families of graph invariants which are polynomials in some p...
AbstractWe prove several theorems concerning Tutte polynomials T(G,x,y) for recursive families of gr...
A graph polynomial P (G, x) is called reconstructible if it is uniquely determined by the polynomia...
AbstractA recursive family of graphs is defined as a sequence of graphs whose Tutte polynomials sati...
Abstract. We outline a general theory of graph polynomials which covers all the examples we found in...
Abstract. In this paper, we show that the solution to a large class of “tiling” problems is given by...
AbstractA graph polynomial q(G;ζ) has recently been studied by Arratia et al. [The interlace polynom...
AbstractWe relate sequences generated by recurrences with polynomial coefficients to interleaving an...
A recurrence relation is said to have the Laurent property if all of its iterates are Laurent polyno...