IL-17A Dissociates Inflammation from Fibrogenesis in Systemic Sclerosis

  • Dufour, Aleksandra Maria
  • Borowczyk, Julia
  • Alvarez, Montserrat
  • Truchetet, Marie-Elise
  • Modarressi Ghavami, Seyed Ali
  • Brembilla, Nicolò Costantino
  • Chizzolini, Carlo
Publication date
January 2020
Elsevier BV


IL-17A is abundant in scleroderma but its role in fibrogenesis is controversial. We interrogated the role of IL-17A in extracellular matrix deposition and inflammation by investigating its effects on keratinocytes and fibroblasts cross-talk and in organotypic skin cultures. Keratinocyte-conditioned media of resting, IL-17A-, and/or transforming growth factor-β-primed primary keratinocytes were used to stimulate healthy donors and scleroderma fibroblasts. Alternatively, organotypic cultures of full human skin were challenged with these cytokines. Keratinocyte-conditioned media tilted the balance of col-I to matrix metalloproteinase-1 production by fibroblasts in favor of matrix metalloproteinase-1, significantly more so in healthy donors tha...

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