Abstract. In this paper, we describe the sublattices of some lattices, extending previous results of [Ber]. Our description makes intensive use of graphs. Résumé. Dans cet article, nous décrivons les sous-réseaux de certains réseaux de Coxeter, prolongeant les résultats de [Ber]. Notre description utilise des graphes. In his 1951 paper Extreme forms ([Cox]), the late Coxeter studied lattices Λ which satisfy inclusions Λ0 ⊂ Λ ⊂ Λ ∗ 0 for some root lattice L. (As usual, L ∗ stands for the dual of a lattice L, and a root lattice is an integral lattice generated by norm 2 vectors.) We shall more specially consider the root lattice Λ0 = An, the section of Z n+1 endowed with its canonical basis B0 = (ε0, ε1,..., εn) by the hyperplane x0 + x1 + · ...