A minimalistic set of multimedia instructions introduced into PA-RISC microprocessors implements SIMD-MIMD parallelism with insignificant changes to the underlying microprocessor. Thus, a software video decoder attains MPEG video and audio decom-pression and playback at real-time rates of 30 frames per second, on an entry-level workstation. Our general-purpose parallel subword hxstructions can accelerate a variety of multimedia programs. ultimedia is the integration of visual, audio, textual, and sensory information (see Figure 1). It is Eil basically information represented in different ways by different media datatypes. Multimedia information can facilitate more natural human-to-computer interactions, enhance communication, shorten learni...
Video compression is widely used in many multimedia applications. However, there is a continuous nee...
The present day multimedia applications (MMAs) are driving the computing industry as every applicati...
Abstract As the demand for multimedia applications increases, the performance of algorithms such as ...
Multimedia systems combine the digital form of images, graphics, audio, electronic signals, or video...
PLX is a small, fully subword-parallel instruction set architecture designed for very fast multimedi...
textGeneral-purpose processors (GPPs) have been augmented with multimedia extensions to improve per...
textGeneral-purpose processors (GPPs) have been augmented with multimedia extensions to improve per...
The inherent nature of digital signal processing (DSP) and multimedia applications has been targeted...
Request for more computation power in the media computing domain has led to multimedia extensions i...
This paper presents the HW/SW extensions to PIC16C, a popular midrange 8-bit microcontroller core, f...
Multimedia applications are becoming increasingly important for a large class of general-purpose pro...
Multi-core Application Specific Instruction Processors (ASIPs) are increasingly used in multimedia a...
The recent explosion of computing applications rich in graphics and sound has placed new and taxing ...
The main challenge for reducing the design effort cost of complex systems on chip is to pursue more ...
Abstract—Multiple international video standards in the market have been developed successfully for m...
Video compression is widely used in many multimedia applications. However, there is a continuous nee...
The present day multimedia applications (MMAs) are driving the computing industry as every applicati...
Abstract As the demand for multimedia applications increases, the performance of algorithms such as ...
Multimedia systems combine the digital form of images, graphics, audio, electronic signals, or video...
PLX is a small, fully subword-parallel instruction set architecture designed for very fast multimedi...
textGeneral-purpose processors (GPPs) have been augmented with multimedia extensions to improve per...
textGeneral-purpose processors (GPPs) have been augmented with multimedia extensions to improve per...
The inherent nature of digital signal processing (DSP) and multimedia applications has been targeted...
Request for more computation power in the media computing domain has led to multimedia extensions i...
This paper presents the HW/SW extensions to PIC16C, a popular midrange 8-bit microcontroller core, f...
Multimedia applications are becoming increasingly important for a large class of general-purpose pro...
Multi-core Application Specific Instruction Processors (ASIPs) are increasingly used in multimedia a...
The recent explosion of computing applications rich in graphics and sound has placed new and taxing ...
The main challenge for reducing the design effort cost of complex systems on chip is to pursue more ...
Abstract—Multiple international video standards in the market have been developed successfully for m...
Video compression is widely used in many multimedia applications. However, there is a continuous nee...
The present day multimedia applications (MMAs) are driving the computing industry as every applicati...
Abstract As the demand for multimedia applications increases, the performance of algorithms such as ...