High-perfor,,~rr,ice firewalls caii benefit from the inci-easing size, speed aitdjle.ribiliry of advanced reconfrgirrnble hardware. Howevez direcr rranslation of convem tionalfirewall rides in a rotaer-based rule set ofen leads to iireflciem liardware iiiipleiiie,itario,i. Moreovez such lowlevel desci-iprioii of firewall rides teiids to be difficult fo,nariage mid to exrerid. We describe a frariiework, based on rhr high-level policy speclfcation language Pondec for crii~tiii-iitSfirei,,nll rides as aurkorizatioii policies with userdefiiloble coiistraiias. Oiir framework supports opriinisarioits to achieve efficient u~ilisation ofhardware resources. A pipeliiied firewall impleineittarion developed using this approach riritiiiiig af IOMHz is ...
Abstract:- Firewalls are one of the most commonly used security systems to protect networks and host...
Conventional firewalls rely on the notions of restricted topology and controlled entry points to fun...
Due to the awareness of a need for personal firewall to protect their privacy, demand for personal ...
We describe a framework for capturing firewall require-ments as high-level descriptions based on the...
Firewalls are a key component for securing networks that are vital to government agencies and privat...
The emergence of network processors provides a broad range of new applications, particularly in the ...
Computer firewalls are widely used for security policy enforcement and access control. Current firew...
With the rapid growth of communications via the Internet, the need for an effective firewall system ...
Computers are networked together in order to share the information they store and process. The inter...
High end network security applications demand high speed operation and large rule set support. Packe...
In today’s rapidly progressing professional world, internet is being used as a medium for almost eve...
The Internet is a technological advance that provides access to information, and the ability to publ...
Computer applications are becoming more and more advanced, pushing the evolution of security mechani...
We describe a simple policy language for setting up and running firewalls (FW). The language allows ...
Access control lists and firewall rules are intended to prevent access to certain resources on a com...
Abstract:- Firewalls are one of the most commonly used security systems to protect networks and host...
Conventional firewalls rely on the notions of restricted topology and controlled entry points to fun...
Due to the awareness of a need for personal firewall to protect their privacy, demand for personal ...
We describe a framework for capturing firewall require-ments as high-level descriptions based on the...
Firewalls are a key component for securing networks that are vital to government agencies and privat...
The emergence of network processors provides a broad range of new applications, particularly in the ...
Computer firewalls are widely used for security policy enforcement and access control. Current firew...
With the rapid growth of communications via the Internet, the need for an effective firewall system ...
Computers are networked together in order to share the information they store and process. The inter...
High end network security applications demand high speed operation and large rule set support. Packe...
In today’s rapidly progressing professional world, internet is being used as a medium for almost eve...
The Internet is a technological advance that provides access to information, and the ability to publ...
Computer applications are becoming more and more advanced, pushing the evolution of security mechani...
We describe a simple policy language for setting up and running firewalls (FW). The language allows ...
Access control lists and firewall rules are intended to prevent access to certain resources on a com...
Abstract:- Firewalls are one of the most commonly used security systems to protect networks and host...
Conventional firewalls rely on the notions of restricted topology and controlled entry points to fun...
Due to the awareness of a need for personal firewall to protect their privacy, demand for personal ...