. These are notes of a mini-course given in the Summer School on Symbolic Dynamics, Temuco (Chile), January 1997. The aim is to present some results concerning asymptotic limit laws for the occurrence of asymptotically rare events associated with some symbolic dynamical systems. The results will be mainly presented for shifts of finite type, but there will be left questions of whether these results remain valid for more general or possibly intrinsically different subshifts. Contents Introduction 1 1. Preliminaries 2 1.1. Bernoulli trials 2 1.2. Occurrence and Waiting Times 4 2. General Setup and Motivation 8 2.1. Return Maps and Expected Return Times 8 2.2. Asymptotically Rare Events 10 2.3. Known Results and Motivation 10 3. Shifts of Fin...
In this paper we discuss some aspects of the asymptotic behavior of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems (...
The problem of finite-dimensional asymptotics of infinite-dimensional dynamic systems is studied. A ...
International audienceWe consider the asymptotic behaviour of a sequence (theta(n)), theta(n) = tau(...
Abstract. These are notes of a mini-course given in the Summer School on Sym-bolic Dynamics, Temuco ...
International audienceThe object of this paper is twofold. From one side we study the dichotomy, in ...
The object of this paper is twofold. From one side we study the dichotomy, in terms of the Extremal ...
systems: from limit theorems to concentration inequalities Jean-Rene ́ Chazottes Abstract We start b...
International audienceThe purpose of this article is to support the idea that "whenever we can prove...
The aim of this thesis is the study of limit theorems for stationary sequences of random variables (...
In this article we consider the general setting of conformal graph directed Markov systems modeled b...
In this paper we develop a general approach for investigating the asymptotic distribution of functio...
In this thesis, some statistical properties of two interesting problems are studied. The fir...
AbstractKeilson (1979, Markov Chain Models — Rarity and Exponentiality, Springer, New York) and Aldo...
We study the asymptotic behavior of random time changes of dynamical systems. As random time changes...
the statistical distribution of first–return times of balls and cylinders in chaotic systems G.Manti...
In this paper we discuss some aspects of the asymptotic behavior of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems (...
The problem of finite-dimensional asymptotics of infinite-dimensional dynamic systems is studied. A ...
International audienceWe consider the asymptotic behaviour of a sequence (theta(n)), theta(n) = tau(...
Abstract. These are notes of a mini-course given in the Summer School on Sym-bolic Dynamics, Temuco ...
International audienceThe object of this paper is twofold. From one side we study the dichotomy, in ...
The object of this paper is twofold. From one side we study the dichotomy, in terms of the Extremal ...
systems: from limit theorems to concentration inequalities Jean-Rene ́ Chazottes Abstract We start b...
International audienceThe purpose of this article is to support the idea that "whenever we can prove...
The aim of this thesis is the study of limit theorems for stationary sequences of random variables (...
In this article we consider the general setting of conformal graph directed Markov systems modeled b...
In this paper we develop a general approach for investigating the asymptotic distribution of functio...
In this thesis, some statistical properties of two interesting problems are studied. The fir...
AbstractKeilson (1979, Markov Chain Models — Rarity and Exponentiality, Springer, New York) and Aldo...
We study the asymptotic behavior of random time changes of dynamical systems. As random time changes...
the statistical distribution of first–return times of balls and cylinders in chaotic systems G.Manti...
In this paper we discuss some aspects of the asymptotic behavior of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems (...
The problem of finite-dimensional asymptotics of infinite-dimensional dynamic systems is studied. A ...
International audienceWe consider the asymptotic behaviour of a sequence (theta(n)), theta(n) = tau(...