The NFB’s Animation Department has produced internationally respected animated films based on aboriginal culture and heritage. In the 1970’s, with support from the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, the NFB produced a series of films on Inuit legends that were participatory in nature, including Co Hoedeman’s collaboration with Inuit artists for Owl and the Raven (1973), and Caroline Leaf’s The Owl who Married a Goose (1974). Concurrently, aboriginal animation was supported by the NFB’s workshop in Cape Dorset initiated by Wolf Koenig, resulting in Animation from Cape Dorset (1973), a compilation of 16 short works. While Lorna Roth notes they were devoid of political, social or legal themes or topics (2005: 99), I argue that these fi...
The Canadian government introduced its Multicultural and Employment Equity policies in a series of ...
My paper is a study of the sixty year history of the inukshuk’s cultural appropriations from humanoi...
Inuit visual arts have been a feature of Canadian popular culture since it was thrust onto the world...
The NFB’s Animation Department has produced internationally respected animated films based on aborig...
The NFB’s Animation Department has produced internationally respected animated films based on aborig...
This thesis examines the representation of Aboriginal people in popular film. Using cultural studies...
Given the overall young age of Canada's Aboriginal population, it is unsurprising that so much conce...
Ilanaaq is the latest North American example of “playing Indian” (Deloria 1998), a practice with vas...
Abstract This research-creation project features auteur animation in an interactive, non- linear ...
An Indigenous methodological framework of decolonization and Indigenization must support an Inuit-le...
I evaluate the relationship of Indigenous, or Fourth World, Cinema, to Western Cinema in a society p...
In the following chapters, I discuss several works of film, video and photography made since the ear...
This project investigates the exponential growth of Indigenous media in Canada since 1990, and the r...
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Progr...
When Indigenous traditional stories are adapted for mainstream media platforms, they enter into a co...
The Canadian government introduced its Multicultural and Employment Equity policies in a series of ...
My paper is a study of the sixty year history of the inukshuk’s cultural appropriations from humanoi...
Inuit visual arts have been a feature of Canadian popular culture since it was thrust onto the world...
The NFB’s Animation Department has produced internationally respected animated films based on aborig...
The NFB’s Animation Department has produced internationally respected animated films based on aborig...
This thesis examines the representation of Aboriginal people in popular film. Using cultural studies...
Given the overall young age of Canada's Aboriginal population, it is unsurprising that so much conce...
Ilanaaq is the latest North American example of “playing Indian” (Deloria 1998), a practice with vas...
Abstract This research-creation project features auteur animation in an interactive, non- linear ...
An Indigenous methodological framework of decolonization and Indigenization must support an Inuit-le...
I evaluate the relationship of Indigenous, or Fourth World, Cinema, to Western Cinema in a society p...
In the following chapters, I discuss several works of film, video and photography made since the ear...
This project investigates the exponential growth of Indigenous media in Canada since 1990, and the r...
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Progr...
When Indigenous traditional stories are adapted for mainstream media platforms, they enter into a co...
The Canadian government introduced its Multicultural and Employment Equity policies in a series of ...
My paper is a study of the sixty year history of the inukshuk’s cultural appropriations from humanoi...
Inuit visual arts have been a feature of Canadian popular culture since it was thrust onto the world...