. An !-categorical supersimple group is finite-by-abelian-by-finite, and has finite SU-rank. Every definable subgroup is commensurable with an acl(;)- definable subgroup. It is well-known that an !-categorical superstable group is abelian-by-finite [1] and has finite rank (in fact by [3] every !-categorical superstable theory is even one-based of finite Morley rank). In the case of a supersimple !-categorical theory, much less is known except that things do not turn out that nicely: recently, Hrushovski [5] has constructed a simple !-categorical theory of SU-rank 1 whose geometry is not locally modular. It is unknown whether a supersimple !-categorical theory can have infinite rank. The question therefore arises whether at least in the grou...
A group G is said to have finite Prüfer rank r if every finitely generated subgroup of G can be gene...
In this thesis we investigate a new formalism for supergeometry which focuses on the categorical pro...
In this thesis, stability theory and stable group theory are developed inside a stable type-definabl...
International audienceAn infinite group with supersimple theory has a finite series of definable gro...
We prove that each \omega-categorical, generically stable group is solvable-by-finite.Comment: 11 pa...
AbstractWe develop a basic theory of rosy groups and we study groups of small Uþ-rank satisfying NIP...
In this paper we explore some properties of H-structures which are introduced in [2]. We describe a ...
Extending the work done in \cite{BV-Tind,DMS} in the o-minimal and geometric settings, we study expa...
AbstractWe study effective categoricity of computable abelian groups of the form ⊕i∈ωH, where H is a...
Just as Lascar’s notion of abstract rank axiomatizes the U rank, we propose axioms for the ranks SUd...
Abstract. We show that the groups AGLn(Q) and PGLn(Q), seen as closed subgroups of S∞, are maximal-c...
If G is a group with supersimple theory having finite SU-rank, the subgroup of G generated by all of...
Abstract. Extending the work done in [5, 9] in the o-minimal and geometric settings, we study expans...
AbstractA lattice-ordered abelian group is called ultrasimplicial iff every finite set of positive e...
A special case of the main result is the following. Let G be a finite, non-supersoluble group in whi...
A group G is said to have finite Prüfer rank r if every finitely generated subgroup of G can be gene...
In this thesis we investigate a new formalism for supergeometry which focuses on the categorical pro...
In this thesis, stability theory and stable group theory are developed inside a stable type-definabl...
International audienceAn infinite group with supersimple theory has a finite series of definable gro...
We prove that each \omega-categorical, generically stable group is solvable-by-finite.Comment: 11 pa...
AbstractWe develop a basic theory of rosy groups and we study groups of small Uþ-rank satisfying NIP...
In this paper we explore some properties of H-structures which are introduced in [2]. We describe a ...
Extending the work done in \cite{BV-Tind,DMS} in the o-minimal and geometric settings, we study expa...
AbstractWe study effective categoricity of computable abelian groups of the form ⊕i∈ωH, where H is a...
Just as Lascar’s notion of abstract rank axiomatizes the U rank, we propose axioms for the ranks SUd...
Abstract. We show that the groups AGLn(Q) and PGLn(Q), seen as closed subgroups of S∞, are maximal-c...
If G is a group with supersimple theory having finite SU-rank, the subgroup of G generated by all of...
Abstract. Extending the work done in [5, 9] in the o-minimal and geometric settings, we study expans...
AbstractA lattice-ordered abelian group is called ultrasimplicial iff every finite set of positive e...
A special case of the main result is the following. Let G be a finite, non-supersoluble group in whi...
A group G is said to have finite Prüfer rank r if every finitely generated subgroup of G can be gene...
In this thesis we investigate a new formalism for supergeometry which focuses on the categorical pro...
In this thesis, stability theory and stable group theory are developed inside a stable type-definabl...