• Paul E. Helliker
  • Gray Davis
  • Winston H. Hickox
  • John S. S
  • Ph. D
  • Branch Chief
Publication date
January 2001


California. Water samples showed no detects of fenoxycarb, hydramethylnon, pyriproxyfen, dimethoate, and methidathion. Bifenthrin was detected at 0.122 and 0.307 parts per billion (ppb) from two commercial nursery sites. Toxicity was tested at San Diego Creek at Campus Drive, an integrated site. This site was significantly toxic (100 % mortality) to Ceriodaphnia dubia in the water collected. Toxicity may be attributed to chlorpyrifos that was above the LC50 for C. dubia. At a nursery site a filter strip and settling pond has been added to the drainage to mitigate offsite movement of insecticides and nitrates. At the time of this sampling, Canna had been planted throughout the filter strip. There was a general trend of declining concentratio...

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