Most children in early childhood spend approximately one third of the day in kindergartens. Therefore, it is essential that their stay in an educational institution is comfortable and without adverse health effects. Statistical data over the last decade show that the amount of enrolled children in kindergartens has increased. The problem of overcrowded kindergartens is usually solved by changing the existing norms for class sizes, or with alternative spaces that do not serve the original purpose. According to EU Directives, kindergartens are among building facilities that have to be renovated. The purpose of the paper was to analyse sanitary-technical and hygienic conditions of the selected playrooms of kindergartens and to define measures....
The bachelor thesis deals with the quality of the internal environment at primary school and kinderg...
V Sloveniji imamo kakovostne vrtce, ki otrokom nudijo možnosti za vsestranski razvoj. K temu pripomo...
Rezultati slovenskih in tujih raziskav kažejo na prisotnost visokih ravni hrupa v vrtcih. Te poleg d...
This work, which is named "Hygienic problematics of forest kindergarten in comparison with classical...
Nakon obiteljskog doma, dječji vrtići su najvaţnije mjesto u kojem borave djeca predškolske dobi. U ...
Održavanje higijene i svijest o zdravlju i širenju zaraznih bolesti iznimno su važni za kvalitetan ž...
This bachelor thesis is comparing infant groups and kindergardens. The Theoretical part of this thes...
Avtorica je ugotavljala, v kolikšni meri so zagotovljeni prostorski in materialni pogoji za igro in ...
Uvod: Šolajoči otroci in mladostniki skoraj 12 % svojega življenja preživijo v šolskem okolju. Slaba...
The increase in the number of children in groups of preschool educational institutions (PEI) of more...
The number of children enrolled in daycare centres is increasing, while indoor environmental quality...
Iz svojih pedagoških izkušenj se zavedam, kako pomemben je prostor, kjer se zadržujejo otroci. Prav,...
This paper gives an assessment of hygienic conditions found in 22 primary and 12 secondary schools i...
Playgrounds represent danger of a direct input of hazardous substances into children`s organism, tha...
Pre-school period is extremely important in adopting individual health behaviour. Consecutively it i...
The bachelor thesis deals with the quality of the internal environment at primary school and kinderg...
V Sloveniji imamo kakovostne vrtce, ki otrokom nudijo možnosti za vsestranski razvoj. K temu pripomo...
Rezultati slovenskih in tujih raziskav kažejo na prisotnost visokih ravni hrupa v vrtcih. Te poleg d...
This work, which is named "Hygienic problematics of forest kindergarten in comparison with classical...
Nakon obiteljskog doma, dječji vrtići su najvaţnije mjesto u kojem borave djeca predškolske dobi. U ...
Održavanje higijene i svijest o zdravlju i širenju zaraznih bolesti iznimno su važni za kvalitetan ž...
This bachelor thesis is comparing infant groups and kindergardens. The Theoretical part of this thes...
Avtorica je ugotavljala, v kolikšni meri so zagotovljeni prostorski in materialni pogoji za igro in ...
Uvod: Šolajoči otroci in mladostniki skoraj 12 % svojega življenja preživijo v šolskem okolju. Slaba...
The increase in the number of children in groups of preschool educational institutions (PEI) of more...
The number of children enrolled in daycare centres is increasing, while indoor environmental quality...
Iz svojih pedagoških izkušenj se zavedam, kako pomemben je prostor, kjer se zadržujejo otroci. Prav,...
This paper gives an assessment of hygienic conditions found in 22 primary and 12 secondary schools i...
Playgrounds represent danger of a direct input of hazardous substances into children`s organism, tha...
Pre-school period is extremely important in adopting individual health behaviour. Consecutively it i...
The bachelor thesis deals with the quality of the internal environment at primary school and kinderg...
V Sloveniji imamo kakovostne vrtce, ki otrokom nudijo možnosti za vsestranski razvoj. K temu pripomo...
Rezultati slovenskih in tujih raziskav kažejo na prisotnost visokih ravni hrupa v vrtcih. Te poleg d...