A 72-year-old man was referred to our hospital for examination of a right adrenal tumor incidentally found by computed tomography for close inspection of lumbago. The computed tomography scan and magnetic resonance imaging showed a 51×54×43 mm solid tumor in the right adrenal region. Endocrinological examinations were within normal limits. Because we could not diagnose his condition due to atypical radiographic findings preoperatively and exclude a malignant tumor, laparoscopic right adrenalectomy was performed. The tumor was histologically diagnosed as ganglioneuroma originating from the right adrenal glands
Utilization and dissemination in the preservation and inheritance and society for the future of muse...
We studied 2,448 patients (<70 years old) undergoing “Brain Dock” at Kurosawa hospital between July...
Angiosarcoma is a very rare tumor. The malignancy is high grade and the prognosis is extremely poor....
Metabolic syndrome, such as obesity and hyperglycemia, are associated with kidney stones, and there ...
We compared the detectability and conspicuity of minimum intensity projection CT cholangiography (M...
金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系Ischemic preconditioning (IP) protects the myocardium from subsequent sustained ischem...
金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系A 72-year-old female was admitted with complaints of cough and sputum. The chest X-ray...
17日齢のホルスタイン種雌子牛が,神経症状を示した.病畜は頭部を左後方に折り曲げて伏臥姿勢を示し,時折自力で起立したがすぐに倒れ歩行不能であった. 神経学的検査では右の対光反射,威嚇瞬き反射,眼瞼反射...
研究論文Original Articles【目的】本研究の目的は,COPD 急性増悪患者を対象に,退院後1 年間の再入院に関連する因子を明らかにすることであった.【方法】対象は2014 年4 月から2...
症例は60歳代男性で,下肢浮腫を主訴に受診.ネフローゼ症候群を認め,精査の結果,胃MALTリンパ腫および膜性腎症と診断された.Helicobacter pylori陰性であり,除菌は行なわず放射線療法...
A 79-year-old woman who presented with right hydronephrosis was referred to our hospital. Abdominal ...
We report a case of liver hemangioma with extrahepatic growth in a 53-year-old man,who was admitted ...
近年は幹細胞を用いた人工神経の研究が進んでいる.今回我々は臨床応用を念頭に置き,脂肪組織由来再生細胞 (adipose derived regenerative cells, ADRCs) を封入した...
A 62-year-old man had been treated for urethral stricture developed after his right kidney was harve...
Utilization and dissemination in the preservation and inheritance and society for the future of muse...
We studied 2,448 patients (<70 years old) undergoing “Brain Dock” at Kurosawa hospital between July...
Angiosarcoma is a very rare tumor. The malignancy is high grade and the prognosis is extremely poor....
Metabolic syndrome, such as obesity and hyperglycemia, are associated with kidney stones, and there ...
We compared the detectability and conspicuity of minimum intensity projection CT cholangiography (M...
金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系Ischemic preconditioning (IP) protects the myocardium from subsequent sustained ischem...
金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系A 72-year-old female was admitted with complaints of cough and sputum. The chest X-ray...
17日齢のホルスタイン種雌子牛が,神経症状を示した.病畜は頭部を左後方に折り曲げて伏臥姿勢を示し,時折自力で起立したがすぐに倒れ歩行不能であった. 神経学的検査では右の対光反射,威嚇瞬き反射,眼瞼反射...
研究論文Original Articles【目的】本研究の目的は,COPD 急性増悪患者を対象に,退院後1 年間の再入院に関連する因子を明らかにすることであった.【方法】対象は2014 年4 月から2...
症例は60歳代男性で,下肢浮腫を主訴に受診.ネフローゼ症候群を認め,精査の結果,胃MALTリンパ腫および膜性腎症と診断された.Helicobacter pylori陰性であり,除菌は行なわず放射線療法...
A 79-year-old woman who presented with right hydronephrosis was referred to our hospital. Abdominal ...
We report a case of liver hemangioma with extrahepatic growth in a 53-year-old man,who was admitted ...
近年は幹細胞を用いた人工神経の研究が進んでいる.今回我々は臨床応用を念頭に置き,脂肪組織由来再生細胞 (adipose derived regenerative cells, ADRCs) を封入した...
A 62-year-old man had been treated for urethral stricture developed after his right kidney was harve...
Utilization and dissemination in the preservation and inheritance and society for the future of muse...
We studied 2,448 patients (<70 years old) undergoing “Brain Dock” at Kurosawa hospital between July...