Dolgozatomban a hagyományos római- és török kori fürdők, valamint a fürdőkultúra került bemutatásra. Az elmúlt évben rekordokat döntött a hazai turizmus, így egyértelmű, hogy továbbra is a gazdaság egyik fontos ágazatának tekinthető. Ezen belül egyre jelentősebb szerepet játszik napjainkban az egészségturizmus, mely magába foglalja a wellness- és gyógyturizmust, valamint a hozzájuk tartozó területeket. A specializálódott wellness szolgáltatásoknak köszönhetően, a római- és török fürdők olyan egyedi termékekként jelennek meg, ahol a római és török kori fürdőzés hagyományait a mai napig ápolják. Dolgozatom elsődleges célkitűzése a történelmi múlt és a fürdőkultúra jelentőségének vizsgálata a fürdőlátogatók és a szolgáltatók oldaláról. Ugyanis...
The social significance of some places in people's lives has long created a special culture in these...
Na teritoriji Gornje Mezije otkriveno je oko 40 rimskih kupatila koji potiču iz perioda od I do IV v...
The bathing habit in both public and private bath houses is considered to be one of the most charact...
Just like at the Romans, the bath was the main venue of everyday life for the Turkish people as well...
Throughout the history, water has been one of the main determinants of the human lifestyle in every ...
Celem mojej pracy jest analiza pochodzenia węgierskich kąpielisk, a także ich wpływ na kulturę Węgie...
Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 106-Hamamlarİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Develo...
With the emergence of the presence of baths in the history of humanity is no longer a vital need for...
Yüksek Lisans TeziBir dönem Osmanlı sosyal yaşantısında önemli bir rolü olan, günümüzde ise yıkılmay...
Yıkanma ilk olarak manevi arınmayla başlamıştır. İnsanlar erken zamanlarda (iklimin elverişli olduğu...
This thesis investigates the formal aspects of the bath-gymnasium complex plan type which was develo...
The subject matter of this thesis is the Late Antique bath buildings in Arykanda which lies beneath ...
When approaching Roman bathhouses from within a larger chronological framework, they often figure as...
Apgūstot turku valodu, iepazīstot turku kultūru, viens no interesantākajiem kultūrvēsturiskajiem man...
Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar os banhos e as práticas balneárias públicas no Egito do sé...
The social significance of some places in people's lives has long created a special culture in these...
Na teritoriji Gornje Mezije otkriveno je oko 40 rimskih kupatila koji potiču iz perioda od I do IV v...
The bathing habit in both public and private bath houses is considered to be one of the most charact...
Just like at the Romans, the bath was the main venue of everyday life for the Turkish people as well...
Throughout the history, water has been one of the main determinants of the human lifestyle in every ...
Celem mojej pracy jest analiza pochodzenia węgierskich kąpielisk, a także ich wpływ na kulturę Węgie...
Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 106-Hamamlarİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Develo...
With the emergence of the presence of baths in the history of humanity is no longer a vital need for...
Yüksek Lisans TeziBir dönem Osmanlı sosyal yaşantısında önemli bir rolü olan, günümüzde ise yıkılmay...
Yıkanma ilk olarak manevi arınmayla başlamıştır. İnsanlar erken zamanlarda (iklimin elverişli olduğu...
This thesis investigates the formal aspects of the bath-gymnasium complex plan type which was develo...
The subject matter of this thesis is the Late Antique bath buildings in Arykanda which lies beneath ...
When approaching Roman bathhouses from within a larger chronological framework, they often figure as...
Apgūstot turku valodu, iepazīstot turku kultūru, viens no interesantākajiem kultūrvēsturiskajiem man...
Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar os banhos e as práticas balneárias públicas no Egito do sé...
The social significance of some places in people's lives has long created a special culture in these...
Na teritoriji Gornje Mezije otkriveno je oko 40 rimskih kupatila koji potiču iz perioda od I do IV v...
The bathing habit in both public and private bath houses is considered to be one of the most charact...