As one of the largest organs of the body, the skin is significantly affected by the aging process and menopause. Among others regulatory elements, the estrogen receptor has been detected on the cellular components of the skin. Accordingly, dermal cellular metabolism is influenced by the hypoestrogenoemic state of menopause leading to changes in the collagen content, alterations in the concentration of glycoaminoglycans and most importantly the water content. Clinically, aging may be manifested as wrinkles, skin roughness and dryness, irregular pigmentation, telangiectasia, sallowness and brown spots (lentigines). Wrinkles and telangiectasia are associated with increased risks of actinic keratoses and nonmelanoma skin cancer. For these reaso...
Vulgarna akne je polietiološka dermatoza koja se javlja u 80 – 85% adolescenata. Jedna je od najčešć...
In the more then 70 % women, the menopause symptoms are not so strong and hormone replacement therap...
The ageing of skin occurs in all individuals at a variable rate which is influenced by genetic, envi...
Skin changes caused by pregnancy or postpartum could be physiologic, dermatoses and cutaneous tumors...
Sempervivum tectorum has a similar effect as aloe vera, which is known in the treatment of various ...
Skin aging is complex biological process, which is provoked by synergism of intrinsic and exogeneous...
Suha koža je karakterizirana smanjenim udjelom lipida i zakašnjelom prirodnom obnovom epidermalne b...
Tlačni vrijed ili dekubitus razvija se kao posljedica brojnih čimbenika pri kojima dominiraju pritis...
As corticosteroids (CS) represent large and significant group of dermatological drugs with a number ...
Physiological changes in menopause are the reflection of changes of circulating steroid hormone conc...
In our country, boric acid is traditionally used in pharmaceutical preparations for application to t...
The presence of pharmaceuticals and narcotic drugs in waste, surface and groundwater presents a seri...
Sve veća zabrinutost zbog nepovoljnog uticaja ultraljubičastog zračenja naljudsko zdravlje, dovela j...
Hyaluronic acid is natural component of the skin. Due to its numerous functions and ability of water...
Medicinal products used to treat dermatology diseases can be applied topically or systemically, whic...
Vulgarna akne je polietiološka dermatoza koja se javlja u 80 – 85% adolescenata. Jedna je od najčešć...
In the more then 70 % women, the menopause symptoms are not so strong and hormone replacement therap...
The ageing of skin occurs in all individuals at a variable rate which is influenced by genetic, envi...
Skin changes caused by pregnancy or postpartum could be physiologic, dermatoses and cutaneous tumors...
Sempervivum tectorum has a similar effect as aloe vera, which is known in the treatment of various ...
Skin aging is complex biological process, which is provoked by synergism of intrinsic and exogeneous...
Suha koža je karakterizirana smanjenim udjelom lipida i zakašnjelom prirodnom obnovom epidermalne b...
Tlačni vrijed ili dekubitus razvija se kao posljedica brojnih čimbenika pri kojima dominiraju pritis...
As corticosteroids (CS) represent large and significant group of dermatological drugs with a number ...
Physiological changes in menopause are the reflection of changes of circulating steroid hormone conc...
In our country, boric acid is traditionally used in pharmaceutical preparations for application to t...
The presence of pharmaceuticals and narcotic drugs in waste, surface and groundwater presents a seri...
Sve veća zabrinutost zbog nepovoljnog uticaja ultraljubičastog zračenja naljudsko zdravlje, dovela j...
Hyaluronic acid is natural component of the skin. Due to its numerous functions and ability of water...
Medicinal products used to treat dermatology diseases can be applied topically or systemically, whic...
Vulgarna akne je polietiološka dermatoza koja se javlja u 80 – 85% adolescenata. Jedna je od najčešć...
In the more then 70 % women, the menopause symptoms are not so strong and hormone replacement therap...
The ageing of skin occurs in all individuals at a variable rate which is influenced by genetic, envi...