Protolitičke ravnoteže u homogenim i heterogenim vodenim sistemima metil- i propilparabena i uticaj β -ciklodekstrina na pKa vrednosti

  • Popović, Gordana
  • Čakar, Mira
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Publication date
January 2004
Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije, Beograd
Arhiv za farmaciju


Acidity constants (Ka) and intrinsic hydrosolubility (Ks0) of two parabens, methylparaben and propylparaben, were spectrophotometrically determined at 25oC and a constant ionic strength of I=0.1 M (NaCl). Based on the determined equilibrium constants Ks0 and Ka, equilibrium constant Ks1 in heterogeneous system of methyl-and propylparaben was calculated. Solubility of the two parabens as a function of solution acidity was calculated applying the equation: s1 s0 3 [ ] S [H O ] K K + = + In addition, the effects of varying β-cyclodextrin concentrations on pKa values of the two parabens were examined. The results showed that β-CD influenced absorption spectra of the parabens (a decreased absorptivity and a bathochromic shift of the absorption m...

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