Miscellaneous: Writing inspired by The Hunterian

  • Garcia Rangel, Sherezade
  • Çizakça, Defne
  • Cammeron, Nicki
  • University of Glasgow
  • The Hunterian
Publication date
February 2014
The Hunterian Museum


In 2011 the University of Glasgow and The Hunterian initiated the Hunterian Associates Programme, which aimed to connect the museum’s extensive collection with the cutting-edge research undertaken by postgraduates at the university. Three writers and researchers established a Writing @ The Hunterian, a residency and a research project to discover how the museum could be a source of inspiration for the community of Glasgow and the university. This project included a series of object-based workshops, a writing station at the museum, a talk in the AyeWrite! 2013 Festival in the Mitchell Library, two conference presentations ('Writing into Art' conference 2013 at Stratchclyde University, 'Object' 2013 at Oxford University) the production and ed...

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