Dataset: alongtrackocShip data collected along the track during R/V Oceanus cruises OC296, OC301, and OC303 in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program in 1997. For a complete list of measurements, refer to the full dataset description in the supplemental file 'Dataset_description.pdf'. The most current version of this dataset is available at: Science Foundation (NSF) unknown GB NSF, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) unknown GB NOA
Dataset: alongtrack New Horizon 2000Shipboard sensor data from along the ship track of R/V New Horiz...
Dataset: emet_W60_1997Meteorology and sea surface temperature (MET) 60 minute averaged data from fou...
Dataset: emet_W60_1996Meteorology and sea surface temperature (MET) 60 minute averaged data from six...
Dataset: alongtrackShip data collected along the track during AlbatrossIV broadscale cruises to the ...
Dataset: scanfishScanfish data from R/V Endeavor cruises EN321 and EN325 in the Gulf of Maine and Ge...
Dataset: CTD_oc333CTD data from R/V Oceanus cruise OC333 to Georges Bank in November, 1998 as part o...
Dataset: mcm_psBedford Institute of Oceanography Moored Current Meter Data deployed during cruises t...
Dataset: bathymetryGeorges Bank bathymetry data triplets from R/V Endeavor and R/V Albatross IV crui...
Dataset: CTD_fvCTD data from the Gulf of Maine in 1998 from three cruises on the R/V Susan and Caitl...
Dataset: CTD_psBedford Institute of Oceanography CTD Data from 10 cruises to the Eastern Gulf of Mai...
Dataset: eventlogsEvent logs from the U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank project, from 10 vessels and 104 crui...
Dataset: CTD_hydrographyBroad-scale hydrography from CTDs deployed from 30 cruises on the R/V Albatr...
Dataset: CTD_rlCTD data from the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank on the R/V Columbus Iselin and R/V E...
Dataset: bathy_ADCPGeorges Bank bathymetry from ADCP data from twelve R/V Endeavor cruises EN262 in ...
Dataset: emet_W15_1996Meteorology and sea surface temperature (MET) 15 minute averaged data from six...
Dataset: alongtrack New Horizon 2000Shipboard sensor data from along the ship track of R/V New Horiz...
Dataset: emet_W60_1997Meteorology and sea surface temperature (MET) 60 minute averaged data from fou...
Dataset: emet_W60_1996Meteorology and sea surface temperature (MET) 60 minute averaged data from six...
Dataset: alongtrackShip data collected along the track during AlbatrossIV broadscale cruises to the ...
Dataset: scanfishScanfish data from R/V Endeavor cruises EN321 and EN325 in the Gulf of Maine and Ge...
Dataset: CTD_oc333CTD data from R/V Oceanus cruise OC333 to Georges Bank in November, 1998 as part o...
Dataset: mcm_psBedford Institute of Oceanography Moored Current Meter Data deployed during cruises t...
Dataset: bathymetryGeorges Bank bathymetry data triplets from R/V Endeavor and R/V Albatross IV crui...
Dataset: CTD_fvCTD data from the Gulf of Maine in 1998 from three cruises on the R/V Susan and Caitl...
Dataset: CTD_psBedford Institute of Oceanography CTD Data from 10 cruises to the Eastern Gulf of Mai...
Dataset: eventlogsEvent logs from the U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank project, from 10 vessels and 104 crui...
Dataset: CTD_hydrographyBroad-scale hydrography from CTDs deployed from 30 cruises on the R/V Albatr...
Dataset: CTD_rlCTD data from the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank on the R/V Columbus Iselin and R/V E...
Dataset: bathy_ADCPGeorges Bank bathymetry from ADCP data from twelve R/V Endeavor cruises EN262 in ...
Dataset: emet_W15_1996Meteorology and sea surface temperature (MET) 15 minute averaged data from six...
Dataset: alongtrack New Horizon 2000Shipboard sensor data from along the ship track of R/V New Horiz...
Dataset: emet_W60_1997Meteorology and sea surface temperature (MET) 60 minute averaged data from fou...
Dataset: emet_W60_1996Meteorology and sea surface temperature (MET) 60 minute averaged data from six...