Newspaper Article - 'Women's Institute Celebrate Centennial' - Innisfail Booster - February 25, 1997AWI Collection2 The Innisfail Booster Tuesday, February 25, 1997 IDomeiVs Institutes Celebrate Centennial Centennial Banquet One hundred years of Women's Institutes were celebrated at the Cottonwood- Gordon Hall on February 19, 1997 by the Cottonwood Women's Institute members and guests. A tasty supper was served followed by a fact and fun history of times and changes since the first meeting which was organized by Adelaide Hoodless and held on February 19, 1897 in Stoney Creek, Ontario. Musical selections by the lovely choir brought back memories of yesteryears. A K l o n d i k e c h a r a c t e r , a Charleston dancer and even Elvis, who...