Newspaper Article - Win Safety Prize (Echo Hill WI - Reflector Tape, March 12, 1960)AWI CollectionM- URDA. Y, MARCH 12, 1960 WIN SAFETY PRIZE — Mrs. W. B. H. Squair of Legal, seated right, is a member of Echo Hill Women's Institute, a group which Thursday received news that it had won the $ 500 second prize in the annual Carol Lane safety awards. Mrs. Squair, constituency convener for the WI in her area when the safety project was undertaken, is in Edmonton this week and attended a WI conference at the Corona Hotel Wednesday and Thursday. She is pictured with Mrs. Harold Lefsrud of Viking, standing, provincial health convener, and Mrs. G. D. Spargo of Alcomdale, present constituency convener for mid- Pembina. To win the safety prize, the 17...