The results of introduction of Rosa spinosissima L., its form 'Double While' and its three cultivars have been generalized. Their botanical description have been given and their biological peculiarities have been described The perspectives of cultivation of the studied taxons have been determined.Узагальнено досвід інтродукції Rosa spinosissima L., її форми 'Double White' та трьох сортів. Наведено їх ботанічну характеристику та описано біологічні особливості. Визначено перспективність культивування вивчених таксонів
<p>Приводится описание и иллюстрация нового для науки нотовида из рода Potentilla. Собранная на терр...
Исследованы формирование структурно однополых цветков у Aruncus sylvestris Rafin. и органогенез цвет...
In article data on phenological supervision, and also a method of reproduction of variety of Clemati...
The results of study of biological peculiarities of Rosa rugosa Thunb. in the conditions of introduc...
The results of examination of specimens of the genus Rosa L. of M.M. Grishko National Botanical Gard...
In the Ternopol' plateau flora were found 34 species of genus Rosa L. The analysis of species polymo...
Ornamental characteristics of plants belonging to Rosaceae Juss. family and forms of separate genera...
Результаты исследования некоторых свойств плодов шиповника Rosa spinosissima и приготовленного из не...
The biography and the results of V.V. Mitin creative activity in introduction and selection of the g...
On the basis of analysis of literature data about a parentage and development of species from genus ...
Perspective species and hybrids of dog rose (Rosa L.) were considered with an aim to use them widely...
yesРезультаты исследования некоторых свойств плодов шиповника Rosa spinosissima и приготовленного из...
The results of cytoembriological researches of two species of genus Salix L. (S. caprea L. and S. ci...
Thirteen Rosa rugosa cultivars of different provenance and one Rosa davurica cultivar were transplan...
Preliminary results of introduction of ornamental perennial plants of native flora of USA is analyse...
<p>Приводится описание и иллюстрация нового для науки нотовида из рода Potentilla. Собранная на терр...
Исследованы формирование структурно однополых цветков у Aruncus sylvestris Rafin. и органогенез цвет...
In article data on phenological supervision, and also a method of reproduction of variety of Clemati...
The results of study of biological peculiarities of Rosa rugosa Thunb. in the conditions of introduc...
The results of examination of specimens of the genus Rosa L. of M.M. Grishko National Botanical Gard...
In the Ternopol' plateau flora were found 34 species of genus Rosa L. The analysis of species polymo...
Ornamental characteristics of plants belonging to Rosaceae Juss. family and forms of separate genera...
Результаты исследования некоторых свойств плодов шиповника Rosa spinosissima и приготовленного из не...
The biography and the results of V.V. Mitin creative activity in introduction and selection of the g...
On the basis of analysis of literature data about a parentage and development of species from genus ...
Perspective species and hybrids of dog rose (Rosa L.) were considered with an aim to use them widely...
yesРезультаты исследования некоторых свойств плодов шиповника Rosa spinosissima и приготовленного из...
The results of cytoembriological researches of two species of genus Salix L. (S. caprea L. and S. ci...
Thirteen Rosa rugosa cultivars of different provenance and one Rosa davurica cultivar were transplan...
Preliminary results of introduction of ornamental perennial plants of native flora of USA is analyse...
<p>Приводится описание и иллюстрация нового для науки нотовида из рода Potentilla. Собранная на терр...
Исследованы формирование структурно однополых цветков у Aruncus sylvestris Rafin. и органогенез цвет...
In article data on phenological supervision, and also a method of reproduction of variety of Clemati...