The dependence between the vital form of species and cultivars of genus Juniperus L. and their ability to the vegetative multiplication by grafting is determinated. The results of implanting of the 11 juniper species of different vital form and 32 cultivars of 6 species with different morphologic construction of crown are given.Встановлено залежність між життєвою формою видів і культиварів роду Juniperus L. та їх здатністю до вегетативного розмноження живцюванням. Наведено результати обкорінення стеблових живців 11 видів ялівців різних життєвих форм та 32 культиварів шести видів з різною морфологічною будовою крони
Modificational changeability and form diversity of Sorbus domestica L. in the population of Rowan tr...
The results of observations of the several factors influenced on the flowering phenology and some on...
The expedience of assortment expansion of flowering-andornamental plants of the protected soil in Do...
The article deals with the theoretical basis and practical use of regenerative ability of grafts of ...
Описан онтогенез Juniperus excelsa Bieb. Выделены 10 онтогенетических состояний и 3 уровня жизненно...
The investigation results concerning the effect of agrobiological methods on regenerative ability of...
Рассматриваются свойства и особенности можжевельника обыкновенного - Juniperus Communis L. Определен...
The theoretical principles on the role of many factors in vegetative propagation of Corylus species ...
The phytogenic field influence on some parameters of environment and morphogenic indexes in differen...
The results of the study the specific and quantitative changes composition of the dendrological park...
The results of long-term investigations, on making the introduction populations of species: Allium d...
The laboratory germination of seeds of local Platanus occidentalis and P. acerifola, optimum periods...
The results of investigation on seed propagation of five species of Corylus L.: C. colurna L., C. se...
unipers-evergreen family bushes Cypress. Vegetative reproduction of various kinds of a juniper by sh...
The singling is one of the technological methods of seedlings growing. It was investigated its influ...
Modificational changeability and form diversity of Sorbus domestica L. in the population of Rowan tr...
The results of observations of the several factors influenced on the flowering phenology and some on...
The expedience of assortment expansion of flowering-andornamental plants of the protected soil in Do...
The article deals with the theoretical basis and practical use of regenerative ability of grafts of ...
Описан онтогенез Juniperus excelsa Bieb. Выделены 10 онтогенетических состояний и 3 уровня жизненно...
The investigation results concerning the effect of agrobiological methods on regenerative ability of...
Рассматриваются свойства и особенности можжевельника обыкновенного - Juniperus Communis L. Определен...
The theoretical principles on the role of many factors in vegetative propagation of Corylus species ...
The phytogenic field influence on some parameters of environment and morphogenic indexes in differen...
The results of the study the specific and quantitative changes composition of the dendrological park...
The results of long-term investigations, on making the introduction populations of species: Allium d...
The laboratory germination of seeds of local Platanus occidentalis and P. acerifola, optimum periods...
The results of investigation on seed propagation of five species of Corylus L.: C. colurna L., C. se...
unipers-evergreen family bushes Cypress. Vegetative reproduction of various kinds of a juniper by sh...
The singling is one of the technological methods of seedlings growing. It was investigated its influ...
Modificational changeability and form diversity of Sorbus domestica L. in the population of Rowan tr...
The results of observations of the several factors influenced on the flowering phenology and some on...
The expedience of assortment expansion of flowering-andornamental plants of the protected soil in Do...