Persoalan kewarisan selalu menarik untuk dipelajari dan dikaji, khususnya kewarisan yang ada di Indonesia. Hal ini terjadi karena masyarakat Indonesia sangat dinamis dalam masalah kewarisan, di samping banyaknya pilihan yang ada dan berkembang di masyarakat. Paling tidak ada tiga (3) pilihan ketika ingin membagi harta warisan; (1) berdasarkan hukum Islam, (2) berdasarkan hukum adat, (3) berdasarkan KUH Perdata. Karena masyarakat sangat banyak, peneliti hanya memilih ulama yang juga merupakan bagian dari masyakat untuk dijadikan obyek dalam penelitian ini. Dipilihnya ulama dalam penelitian ini, karena di satu sisi mereka mengetahui tentang hukum kewarisan berdasarkan hukum Islam, tetapi di sisi lain mereka juga hidup dalam masyarakat yg sang...
Abstraks; The dividing of inheritance on javanese civil of sub-regency bilah barat the regency of la...
Badamai at Banjar Adat community is the implementation of Islamic moral value that have always taugh...
Abstrak Pemberlakuan aturan mengenai kewarisan di Indonesia selama ini terjadi perdebatan antara par...
Agama memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia termasuk dalam perkara harta wari...
Abstract: The Convergence of Inheritance in Islamic Law. This article examines the legal position of...
The purpose of this study was to describe the understanding of the people against the division of in...
The purpose of this study was to describe the understanding of the people against the division of in...
Sampai saat ini di Negara yang mayoritas berpenduduk muslim di Indonesia belum berhasil melakukan ko...
The background of the tradition of the muslim community in dividing the inheritance amicably was due...
Hukum kewarisan yang masih dominan tetap eksis dan hidup di tengah-tengah masyarakat, pada pelaksana...
Abstract In the socio-anthropological study, Islam embraced by the indigenous people of Java were q...
this paper examines the inheritance relating to joint property in marriage and recipients in t...
AbstractThis study aims to determine the implementation and constraints that affect the application ...
Hukum waris adalah hukum yang mengatur terkait pemindahan hak kepemilikan atas harta yang ditinggal...
The concequenses of inheritance is happened if the heir passed away and its leaves inheritee. Inher...
Abstraks; The dividing of inheritance on javanese civil of sub-regency bilah barat the regency of la...
Badamai at Banjar Adat community is the implementation of Islamic moral value that have always taugh...
Abstrak Pemberlakuan aturan mengenai kewarisan di Indonesia selama ini terjadi perdebatan antara par...
Agama memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia termasuk dalam perkara harta wari...
Abstract: The Convergence of Inheritance in Islamic Law. This article examines the legal position of...
The purpose of this study was to describe the understanding of the people against the division of in...
The purpose of this study was to describe the understanding of the people against the division of in...
Sampai saat ini di Negara yang mayoritas berpenduduk muslim di Indonesia belum berhasil melakukan ko...
The background of the tradition of the muslim community in dividing the inheritance amicably was due...
Hukum kewarisan yang masih dominan tetap eksis dan hidup di tengah-tengah masyarakat, pada pelaksana...
Abstract In the socio-anthropological study, Islam embraced by the indigenous people of Java were q...
this paper examines the inheritance relating to joint property in marriage and recipients in t...
AbstractThis study aims to determine the implementation and constraints that affect the application ...
Hukum waris adalah hukum yang mengatur terkait pemindahan hak kepemilikan atas harta yang ditinggal...
The concequenses of inheritance is happened if the heir passed away and its leaves inheritee. Inher...
Abstraks; The dividing of inheritance on javanese civil of sub-regency bilah barat the regency of la...
Badamai at Banjar Adat community is the implementation of Islamic moral value that have always taugh...
Abstrak Pemberlakuan aturan mengenai kewarisan di Indonesia selama ini terjadi perdebatan antara par...