Magnetic properties and opaque mineralogy were determined for a variety of rock types collected from the rift valley at hydrothermal sites on the Mid-Atlantic and Gorda Ridges. Results of the magnetic properties were used to constrain parameters for magnetic inversion models used with sea surface magnetic and bathymetric data. Modeling results were used with magnetic property and opaque mineralogy data to determine the effect of hydrothermal activity on the magnetization of the oceanic crust.Evidence for unequivocal magnetic mineral modification by hydrothermal action is present only in a small percentage of extrusive basalts, but is pervasive in diabases, gabbros and ultramafic rocks. This lithologic distribution suggests a progressive inc...
Summary. Magnetic property studies (natural remanent magnetization, initial susceptibility, progress...
High-resolution magnetic surveys have been acquired over the partially sedimented Palinuro massive s...
Abstract Seafloor hydrothermal systems in the back-arc region of the Okinawa Trough have been viewed...
International audienceSlow spreading mid-ocean ridges like the Mid-Atlantic Ridge host a remarkable ...
High-resolution magnetic surveys acquired near the seafloor show that active basalt-hosted hydrother...
Slow spreading mid-ocean ridges like the Mid-Atlantic Ridge host a remarkable diversity of hydrother...
We analyze magnetic properties from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)/Integrated ODP (IODP) Hole 1256D (6...
The deepest drill penetration ever into the oceanic crust was achieved during Legs 37 and 45 of the ...
During Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 301, 235 m of upper igneous crust was cored in H...
Inversion of near-bottom magnetic data reveals a well-defined low crustal magnetization zone (LMZ) n...
An integrated rock-magnetic and multivariate statistical analysis of a suite of sediment samples rec...
Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2010. This article is posted here by permission of Am...
Summary. The magnetization of the oceanic crust can be studied both directly, by looking at the magn...
We present detailed rock magnetic results of sulfide, and basalt samples recovered at the Trans-Atla...
High-resolution magnetic surveys have been acquired over the partially sedimented Palinuro massive s...
Summary. Magnetic property studies (natural remanent magnetization, initial susceptibility, progress...
High-resolution magnetic surveys have been acquired over the partially sedimented Palinuro massive s...
Abstract Seafloor hydrothermal systems in the back-arc region of the Okinawa Trough have been viewed...
International audienceSlow spreading mid-ocean ridges like the Mid-Atlantic Ridge host a remarkable ...
High-resolution magnetic surveys acquired near the seafloor show that active basalt-hosted hydrother...
Slow spreading mid-ocean ridges like the Mid-Atlantic Ridge host a remarkable diversity of hydrother...
We analyze magnetic properties from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)/Integrated ODP (IODP) Hole 1256D (6...
The deepest drill penetration ever into the oceanic crust was achieved during Legs 37 and 45 of the ...
During Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 301, 235 m of upper igneous crust was cored in H...
Inversion of near-bottom magnetic data reveals a well-defined low crustal magnetization zone (LMZ) n...
An integrated rock-magnetic and multivariate statistical analysis of a suite of sediment samples rec...
Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2010. This article is posted here by permission of Am...
Summary. The magnetization of the oceanic crust can be studied both directly, by looking at the magn...
We present detailed rock magnetic results of sulfide, and basalt samples recovered at the Trans-Atla...
High-resolution magnetic surveys have been acquired over the partially sedimented Palinuro massive s...
Summary. Magnetic property studies (natural remanent magnetization, initial susceptibility, progress...
High-resolution magnetic surveys have been acquired over the partially sedimented Palinuro massive s...
Abstract Seafloor hydrothermal systems in the back-arc region of the Okinawa Trough have been viewed...