Pulau Pasaran dikenal sebagai penghasil ikan teri (Stolephorussp.) di provinsi Lampung dengan jumlah produksi mencapai 57,6 ton setiap bulannya. Hal ini menjadikan Pulau Pasaran sebagai sentra penghasil ikan di provinsi Lampung. Upaya pengolahan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat menghasilkan berbagai bentuk produk seperti ikan teri kering, teri kemasan vakum dan produk diversifikasi untuk makanan ringan serta pengolahn limbah sebagai bahan baku pakan (feed) untuk ikan nila dan lele. Upaya pengolahan ini disamping dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah (value added) dari ikan teri juga dapat menerapkan konsep zero waste dalam proses pengolahan ikan teri, sehingga pendapatan masyarakat lebih optimal.Pasaran island is well known as a center of anchovy p...
Fishery product processing industry consumes water reaches 20 m3 / ton of product produced depending...
Kabupaten Sambas memiliki 71,15 ha lahan buah naga dengan produksi harian bisa mencapai 4 sampai 5 t...
Ikan lele merupakan salah satu jenis ikan air tawar yang cukup diminati oleh masyarakat di Indonesia...
ENGLISHBoiled fish industry in Bajomulyo, Juwana causes environmental degradation because of it's wa...
Abstrak: Desa Sugihwaras merupakan desa yang mayoritas penduduknya bertani selain berwirausaha salah...
One of the activities of the economic community in the village of Marga Agung is the Kejora UMKM whi...
Farm catfish is one of the main source of income villagers gladak pattern, kranjingan beside agricul...
The purpose of this research was to analyze the added value of the anchovy processing industry. Thi...
Shredded meat milkfish is one of fishery products made from steamed milk fish meat, making meat, sea...
This research aims to find out anchovy drying technique (Stolephorus sp.) and the feasibility of anc...
Catfish farming conducted in Karanggatak Village, Klego District, Boyolali Regency is an effort to e...
The skin and bones of catfish have not been used and only thrown away as waste. This Partnership Ser...
Crops and livestock produce harvest and also waste. Potential of agricultural and livestock waste in...
Tujuan tulisan ini memaparkan hasil identifikasi dan potensi pemanfaatan limbah perikanan di Banda A...
The Community Partnership Program aims to build partnerships with sago farmers in zero waste-based s...
Fishery product processing industry consumes water reaches 20 m3 / ton of product produced depending...
Kabupaten Sambas memiliki 71,15 ha lahan buah naga dengan produksi harian bisa mencapai 4 sampai 5 t...
Ikan lele merupakan salah satu jenis ikan air tawar yang cukup diminati oleh masyarakat di Indonesia...
ENGLISHBoiled fish industry in Bajomulyo, Juwana causes environmental degradation because of it's wa...
Abstrak: Desa Sugihwaras merupakan desa yang mayoritas penduduknya bertani selain berwirausaha salah...
One of the activities of the economic community in the village of Marga Agung is the Kejora UMKM whi...
Farm catfish is one of the main source of income villagers gladak pattern, kranjingan beside agricul...
The purpose of this research was to analyze the added value of the anchovy processing industry. Thi...
Shredded meat milkfish is one of fishery products made from steamed milk fish meat, making meat, sea...
This research aims to find out anchovy drying technique (Stolephorus sp.) and the feasibility of anc...
Catfish farming conducted in Karanggatak Village, Klego District, Boyolali Regency is an effort to e...
The skin and bones of catfish have not been used and only thrown away as waste. This Partnership Ser...
Crops and livestock produce harvest and also waste. Potential of agricultural and livestock waste in...
Tujuan tulisan ini memaparkan hasil identifikasi dan potensi pemanfaatan limbah perikanan di Banda A...
The Community Partnership Program aims to build partnerships with sago farmers in zero waste-based s...
Fishery product processing industry consumes water reaches 20 m3 / ton of product produced depending...
Kabupaten Sambas memiliki 71,15 ha lahan buah naga dengan produksi harian bisa mencapai 4 sampai 5 t...
Ikan lele merupakan salah satu jenis ikan air tawar yang cukup diminati oleh masyarakat di Indonesia...