Objective; To determine the brachial plexus and peripheral nerves injuries based on etiology and site.Materials and Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted at neurosurgery department of lady Reading hospital Peshawar from 1st January 2011 to 30th June 2012 with total 1½ year duration. After taking consent from ethical research committee operative records of all those patients were started to document who were admitted in the mentioned duration with brachial plexus and peripheral nerves injuries and documentation was done according to the preformed proforma including age, sex, etiology, type of nerve, site of injury according to operative findings while excluding neuropathies due to compression, metabolic, immunologic cau...
Background Data: Improving the knowledge about the epidemiology of the traumatic brachial plexus inj...
Traumatic peripheral nerve injuries are among most important cause of physical disability among youn...
Peripheral Nerve Injuries are one of the most common causes of hand dysfunction caused by upper limb...
Background: Traumatic injury of peripheral nerves is a worldwide problem and can result in significa...
Objective: To study the different aspects of peripheral nerve injury presenting to a tertiary care h...
Purpose Traumatic damage to the brachial plexus is associated with temporary or permanent motor and ...
Diagnosing brachial plexus lesion is a challenge in countries where imaging facilities are not well ...
Bacgraund/Aim. Most often injuries of brachial plexus and its branches disable the injured from u...
Background: Brachial plexus is a network of nerves that controls the upper limb. Unfortunately, it c...
Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and P...
Background: Peripheral nerve injury (PNI), due to upper extremity and cervical trauma can impair han...
Includes bibliographical references and index.The diagnostic anatomy of the median nerve -- The diag...
Common etiologies of acute traumatic peripheral nerve injury (TPNI) include penetrating injury, crus...
A peripheral nerve can be injured in different ways, varying from a simple nerve compression, a comp...
AIM OF THE STUDY: I. Demographic analysis of brachial plexus injury regarding 1. Age, 2. Gender, ...
Background Data: Improving the knowledge about the epidemiology of the traumatic brachial plexus inj...
Traumatic peripheral nerve injuries are among most important cause of physical disability among youn...
Peripheral Nerve Injuries are one of the most common causes of hand dysfunction caused by upper limb...
Background: Traumatic injury of peripheral nerves is a worldwide problem and can result in significa...
Objective: To study the different aspects of peripheral nerve injury presenting to a tertiary care h...
Purpose Traumatic damage to the brachial plexus is associated with temporary or permanent motor and ...
Diagnosing brachial plexus lesion is a challenge in countries where imaging facilities are not well ...
Bacgraund/Aim. Most often injuries of brachial plexus and its branches disable the injured from u...
Background: Brachial plexus is a network of nerves that controls the upper limb. Unfortunately, it c...
Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and P...
Background: Peripheral nerve injury (PNI), due to upper extremity and cervical trauma can impair han...
Includes bibliographical references and index.The diagnostic anatomy of the median nerve -- The diag...
Common etiologies of acute traumatic peripheral nerve injury (TPNI) include penetrating injury, crus...
A peripheral nerve can be injured in different ways, varying from a simple nerve compression, a comp...
AIM OF THE STUDY: I. Demographic analysis of brachial plexus injury regarding 1. Age, 2. Gender, ...
Background Data: Improving the knowledge about the epidemiology of the traumatic brachial plexus inj...
Traumatic peripheral nerve injuries are among most important cause of physical disability among youn...
Peripheral Nerve Injuries are one of the most common causes of hand dysfunction caused by upper limb...