Child of S. P. Butler
child of G. B. Reid
Mildred Thomas Carroll - wife
Clyde Miller - son, John Miller - husband
Child of N. Butler
W.T. Butler - son
Lena Butler - wife
Joseph H. Butler - son
Eva Heath - niece
George Butler - husband
Arthur Butler - husband
Henry Butler - husband
Child of C. J. Hodges
Alice Umstattd
Child of C. Thomas
Alice Sweet - wife
child of G. B. Reid
Mildred Thomas Carroll - wife
Clyde Miller - son, John Miller - husband
Child of N. Butler
W.T. Butler - son
Lena Butler - wife
Joseph H. Butler - son
Eva Heath - niece
George Butler - husband
Arthur Butler - husband
Henry Butler - husband
Child of C. J. Hodges
Alice Umstattd
Child of C. Thomas
Alice Sweet - wife
child of G. B. Reid
Mildred Thomas Carroll - wife
Clyde Miller - son, John Miller - husband