Candidate\u27s status unclear- SG [Student Government], Dean of Men disagree on rules; WFTU-TV\u27s open forum with SG candidates (photo); Engineering students seeking \u27clean\u27 car; Forest study funds approved by NSF; Campus streets receive space-related designations; CofC [The Greater Orlando Chamber of Commerce] members briefed on environmental projects; FuTUre\u27s Friday Girl: [Linda Solis]; CBS\u27s Kalb saw progress, restraint in China (with photo); Future Sports News: Netters thump Tampa, raise record to 8-6; Schunck practices what he preaches (with photo).
Fall\u27s senate candidates lowest number for SG [Student Government] yet; Officer\u27s \u27poor jud...
U of F rejects \u277th\u27 primary: leaders fear \u27high costs\u27; Debate team tops in meet (with ...
Vandals halt lake project (with photo); VC [Village Center] may get $10,000 in SG [Student Governmen...
Taping NEXUS scripts (photo); SG [Student Government] corrects oversight; votes to fund pep squad; L...
S.G.A. to form [S.G.A., Student Government Association]; Dorm leaders selected; Circle K attends con...
Local delegates have mixed reactions: legislators divided on BOR bill; Student senate candidates inc...
Across from campus: Retail complex construction set to begin in May; Student at bargaining table nix...
Physics Department joins engineering [Physics Department\u27s change from Natural Sciences to Engine...
Alternate time slated if graduation all wet (with photo of W. Dan Chapman); Breakdown shows grade di...
Pres qualifications are offered [Student Government offices up for election, with Walt Komanski\u27s...
Millican signs KS petition for parking (with photo); Information scarce on activity budget; Club app...
Citizens committee makes education recommendations; Fate of Miss FTU pageant spawns campus controver...
Colleges slate consolidation for next fall; Dean search continues into the third round; Photo of Har...
Problem: Too many chiefs, two heads named to intern program; Black Expression week observed at FTU (...
Nixon\u27s-the-Won! Millican kicks off [for the Orlando Panthers football team]; FTU, Circle \u27K\u...
Fall\u27s senate candidates lowest number for SG [Student Government] yet; Officer\u27s \u27poor jud...
U of F rejects \u277th\u27 primary: leaders fear \u27high costs\u27; Debate team tops in meet (with ...
Vandals halt lake project (with photo); VC [Village Center] may get $10,000 in SG [Student Governmen...
Taping NEXUS scripts (photo); SG [Student Government] corrects oversight; votes to fund pep squad; L...
S.G.A. to form [S.G.A., Student Government Association]; Dorm leaders selected; Circle K attends con...
Local delegates have mixed reactions: legislators divided on BOR bill; Student senate candidates inc...
Across from campus: Retail complex construction set to begin in May; Student at bargaining table nix...
Physics Department joins engineering [Physics Department\u27s change from Natural Sciences to Engine...
Alternate time slated if graduation all wet (with photo of W. Dan Chapman); Breakdown shows grade di...
Pres qualifications are offered [Student Government offices up for election, with Walt Komanski\u27s...
Millican signs KS petition for parking (with photo); Information scarce on activity budget; Club app...
Citizens committee makes education recommendations; Fate of Miss FTU pageant spawns campus controver...
Colleges slate consolidation for next fall; Dean search continues into the third round; Photo of Har...
Problem: Too many chiefs, two heads named to intern program; Black Expression week observed at FTU (...
Nixon\u27s-the-Won! Millican kicks off [for the Orlando Panthers football team]; FTU, Circle \u27K\u...
Fall\u27s senate candidates lowest number for SG [Student Government] yet; Officer\u27s \u27poor jud...
U of F rejects \u277th\u27 primary: leaders fear \u27high costs\u27; Debate team tops in meet (with ...
Vandals halt lake project (with photo); VC [Village Center] may get $10,000 in SG [Student Governmen...