Christian Spirituality and Soul Care Lecture Series The Benefits of Following Jesus • The catastrophe of not following Jesus • The goodness of Jesus’ way • The problem with ‘miserable sinner’ Christianity • How do we enter more fully into the goodness of Jesus’ way
Isn\u27t it strange that one of the priorities of the Christian ministry is to make disciples, but v...
Overall, discipleship teaching that is directed to the crowds in the Gospels deals with the act of b...
Christian Spirituality and Soul Care Lecture Series The passage that we\u27re going to deal with ton...
Excerpt: Some Christian groups ask, How can we be certain of our salvation? Others ask, How can ...
Discipleship appears simple to understand at first glance. Yet, the more we examine what Jesus was d...
Christian Spirituality and Soul Care Lecture Series The serious issue is what I\u27ve tried to prese...
Well, tonight, you see what we want to talk about, uh, the heart of Christian spirituality, falling ...
This morning I want to talk to you about one of the ways that Jesus taught. And I want to propose to...
Christian Spirituality and Soul Care Lecture Series To forgive is to release a person from the wrong...
What would you like put on your tombstone? Think about that for a moment. What would you like put o...
If the beginning of the twenty-first century is marked by “Epicurean indifference,” the temptation t...
One of the things that I struggled with is a disciple of Jesus. When I first decided to follow him w...
So we have to remain balanced here as well as we walk with Jesus in the real world. And as we get st...
Jesus\u27 opening address in Nazareth is rich with statements about Jesus\u27 identity and mission, ...
Spiritual Formation Lecture Series; Maturing the saints by spiritual hunger and lov
Isn\u27t it strange that one of the priorities of the Christian ministry is to make disciples, but v...
Overall, discipleship teaching that is directed to the crowds in the Gospels deals with the act of b...
Christian Spirituality and Soul Care Lecture Series The passage that we\u27re going to deal with ton...
Excerpt: Some Christian groups ask, How can we be certain of our salvation? Others ask, How can ...
Discipleship appears simple to understand at first glance. Yet, the more we examine what Jesus was d...
Christian Spirituality and Soul Care Lecture Series The serious issue is what I\u27ve tried to prese...
Well, tonight, you see what we want to talk about, uh, the heart of Christian spirituality, falling ...
This morning I want to talk to you about one of the ways that Jesus taught. And I want to propose to...
Christian Spirituality and Soul Care Lecture Series To forgive is to release a person from the wrong...
What would you like put on your tombstone? Think about that for a moment. What would you like put o...
If the beginning of the twenty-first century is marked by “Epicurean indifference,” the temptation t...
One of the things that I struggled with is a disciple of Jesus. When I first decided to follow him w...
So we have to remain balanced here as well as we walk with Jesus in the real world. And as we get st...
Jesus\u27 opening address in Nazareth is rich with statements about Jesus\u27 identity and mission, ...
Spiritual Formation Lecture Series; Maturing the saints by spiritual hunger and lov
Isn\u27t it strange that one of the priorities of the Christian ministry is to make disciples, but v...
Overall, discipleship teaching that is directed to the crowds in the Gospels deals with the act of b...
Christian Spirituality and Soul Care Lecture Series The passage that we\u27re going to deal with ton...