The lay judge system was introduced into Japanese district courts in May 2009. Since then, lay judges and professional judges work together on serious criminal trials. In the end they must conclude each trial with a verdict. Such verdicts are often full of legal jargon and have their own style. It has been suggested that the verdict should be much more comprehensible to both lay judges and the general public. This paper examines whether verdicts decided by the lay judge system are different from verdicts written solely by professional judges in criminal trials before May 2009. We found that both the length of time and the wording to arrive at the average decision has become shorter. It was also found that each sentence in the verdict contai...
1)著者は1955年11月から1957年6月迄の間にAnopheles hyrcanus sinensisとCulex tritaeniorhynchusについてWuchereria bancroft...
In this paper we compare the motivations, views on life and pre-course knowledge of occupational the...
Sixty-five samples of mineral waters (mainly above 25℃) from western Japan were analyzed for their L...
Sign Language are an important comminucation method for learning impaired people. To Communicate to ...
The purpose of the present study is to contribute to the teaching of English in Japan by providing t...
We proposed a new applied method for induction of variable selection on contingency table. This meth...
病棟における情報提供の一つとして掲示板は手軽に利用されるが,これに関する研究はないといっても過言ではない。しかし,日本医療機能評価機構(Japan Council for Quality Health...
Article信州大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター紀要 教育実践研究 15: 131-140(2014)departmental bulletin pape
妊娠各期における不安の反応と程度およびその変化を明らかにし, 妊娠中の保健指導の受講状況と不安との関連を明らかにすることを目的に, 各期に合わせた保健指導のあり方を検討した.妊婦146名の各期における...
Antonio Gramsci’s way of thinking is thought to be highly dialectical. If it is so, a series of conc...
A large number of studies on elastic buckling of bars have been done since Leonhard Eulerproposed or...
精神科早期リハビリテーションにおいて, 早期退院を推進する鍵になっているのは, 「医療チームのコーディネーターの役割」である.この研究では, 事例を通して, 「医療チームのコーディネーターとしての看護...
1)著者は1955年11月から1957年6月迄の間にAnopheles hyrcanus sinensisとCulex tritaeniorhynchusについてWuchereria bancroft...
In this paper we compare the motivations, views on life and pre-course knowledge of occupational the...
Sixty-five samples of mineral waters (mainly above 25℃) from western Japan were analyzed for their L...
Sign Language are an important comminucation method for learning impaired people. To Communicate to ...
The purpose of the present study is to contribute to the teaching of English in Japan by providing t...
We proposed a new applied method for induction of variable selection on contingency table. This meth...
病棟における情報提供の一つとして掲示板は手軽に利用されるが,これに関する研究はないといっても過言ではない。しかし,日本医療機能評価機構(Japan Council for Quality Health...
Article信州大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター紀要 教育実践研究 15: 131-140(2014)departmental bulletin pape
妊娠各期における不安の反応と程度およびその変化を明らかにし, 妊娠中の保健指導の受講状況と不安との関連を明らかにすることを目的に, 各期に合わせた保健指導のあり方を検討した.妊婦146名の各期における...
Antonio Gramsci’s way of thinking is thought to be highly dialectical. If it is so, a series of conc...
A large number of studies on elastic buckling of bars have been done since Leonhard Eulerproposed or...
精神科早期リハビリテーションにおいて, 早期退院を推進する鍵になっているのは, 「医療チームのコーディネーターの役割」である.この研究では, 事例を通して, 「医療チームのコーディネーターとしての看護...
1)著者は1955年11月から1957年6月迄の間にAnopheles hyrcanus sinensisとCulex tritaeniorhynchusについてWuchereria bancroft...
In this paper we compare the motivations, views on life and pre-course knowledge of occupational the...
Sixty-five samples of mineral waters (mainly above 25℃) from western Japan were analyzed for their L...