Ca L―threonate(C8H14O10.Ca)is a commercially available Ca ingredient, which is advertized to help deliver Ca more efficiently to the bones and increases the absorption rate of Ca. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the bioavailability of Ca threonate by comparing with that of Ca carbonate(CaCO3), an ordinary Ca supplement. Female 4 week-old rats were fed purified diets containing either low (0.25%) or adequate (0.5%) level of Ca for 2 weeks. Feces and urine were collected and Ca concentrations were analyzed at the periods of 4-5 d and 11-12 d. When Ca intake was low, the absorption rate of Ca was higher in threonate (97-98%) than carbonate (89-93%), though the difference was not statistically significant. When Ca intake was adequa...
確定診断前に凝固第VIII因子(F VIII)製剤の緊急投与を要した重症型血友病A の2 乳児例を報告する.症例1 は10 か月男児.反復する嘔吐を主訴に入院した.左上肢に腫張を伴う筋肉内出血と硬膜外...
極微量のカドミウムを含む試料水500mlに塩酸を加え1.5M塩酸酸性溶液とし,この溶液をDowex 1-X8 陰イオン交換樹mカラム(25×0.5cm)に流し、カドミウムを吸着させ、2.0M硝酸アンモ...
It is well known that vegetables and fruits contains a large quantities of vitamin C and ascorbic ac...
Bioavailability of four organic calcium (Ca) products (egg shell, fish bone, scallop shell, and dolo...
The non-edible parts of fruits were found to have high antioxidant activities. Among them, mango see...
Recently, there have been many reports regarding bread in which a portion of the flour is replaced w...
Emulsion polymerization of methyl methacrylate was carried out at 50°C using poly(methyl methacrylat...
アトピー性皮膚炎の病態理解の歴史を振り返り,最新の知見と対比させて紹介した.皮膚の乾燥,湿疹,強い掻痒,高IgE 値などを特徴とし,喘息やアレルギー性鼻炎などを合併しやすい疾患であるとの古典的な理解は...
Recently, the incidence of food allergies in Japan has increased. Therefore, it is necessary to enab...
Acid mine drainage (AMD) is acidic and generally enriched with iron, aluminum, sulfate and heavy met...
The second near-infrared window, namely NIR-II, ranges between 1000 and 1600 nm and is suitable for ...
For determining the aggregate strength,the author proposes a new method, in which the aggregate is ...
確定診断前に凝固第VIII因子(F VIII)製剤の緊急投与を要した重症型血友病A の2 乳児例を報告する.症例1 は10 か月男児.反復する嘔吐を主訴に入院した.左上肢に腫張を伴う筋肉内出血と硬膜外...
極微量のカドミウムを含む試料水500mlに塩酸を加え1.5M塩酸酸性溶液とし,この溶液をDowex 1-X8 陰イオン交換樹mカラム(25×0.5cm)に流し、カドミウムを吸着させ、2.0M硝酸アンモ...
It is well known that vegetables and fruits contains a large quantities of vitamin C and ascorbic ac...
Bioavailability of four organic calcium (Ca) products (egg shell, fish bone, scallop shell, and dolo...
The non-edible parts of fruits were found to have high antioxidant activities. Among them, mango see...
Recently, there have been many reports regarding bread in which a portion of the flour is replaced w...
Emulsion polymerization of methyl methacrylate was carried out at 50°C using poly(methyl methacrylat...
アトピー性皮膚炎の病態理解の歴史を振り返り,最新の知見と対比させて紹介した.皮膚の乾燥,湿疹,強い掻痒,高IgE 値などを特徴とし,喘息やアレルギー性鼻炎などを合併しやすい疾患であるとの古典的な理解は...
Recently, the incidence of food allergies in Japan has increased. Therefore, it is necessary to enab...
Acid mine drainage (AMD) is acidic and generally enriched with iron, aluminum, sulfate and heavy met...
The second near-infrared window, namely NIR-II, ranges between 1000 and 1600 nm and is suitable for ...
For determining the aggregate strength,the author proposes a new method, in which the aggregate is ...
確定診断前に凝固第VIII因子(F VIII)製剤の緊急投与を要した重症型血友病A の2 乳児例を報告する.症例1 は10 か月男児.反復する嘔吐を主訴に入院した.左上肢に腫張を伴う筋肉内出血と硬膜外...
極微量のカドミウムを含む試料水500mlに塩酸を加え1.5M塩酸酸性溶液とし,この溶液をDowex 1-X8 陰イオン交換樹mカラム(25×0.5cm)に流し、カドミウムを吸着させ、2.0M硝酸アンモ...
It is well known that vegetables and fruits contains a large quantities of vitamin C and ascorbic ac...