Headache is one of the most common disorders of the nervous system. Headache is further classified into migraine, tension-type headache, and cluster headache. Migraine occurs in about 12% of people age 12 and older in the United States (17% of women and 6% of men). It is about three times more common in women than men. It is estimated that every 10 seconds someone in the United States goes to the emergency room with a migraine or headache due to the excruciating pain, severe nausea or dehydration, drug interactions, or side effects from headache medications. In recent years there has been a growing interest and demand from the public for ‘natural’ treatments such as vitamins and supplements in trying to control migraine headaches. A var...
A project presented to the Department of Physician Assistant of Wichita State University in partial ...
Contexts. - An evidence base for complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) consumption within gen...
OBJECTIVE: Complementary therapies have been increasingly used for the prevention and treatment of m...
Several studies have supported the efficacy of complementary and alternative medicine approaches (ph...
Objective: Although a wide range of acute and preventative medications are now available for the tre...
Migraine characterized by recurrent headaches present with aura or without aura. Various treatment m...
BackgroundMigraine is one of the most prevalent chronic pain manifestations of childhood. Despite th...
Migraine prophylaxis represents a better choice than symptomatic drugs, both for safety and for effe...
Migraine is a recurrent neurological disorder of humans affecting approximately 15% of the populatio...
of pediatric migraine: Evidence-based review and recommendations Serena L Orr1,2 and Sunita Venkates...
Background: Migraine is the second most common type of headache after tension headaches. In Iranian ...
Migraine headaches are extremely common and it is considered that, on average, one of ten people suf...
Nutraceuticals might be defined as food or dietary supplements that provide medicinal or health bene...
Abstract Background and Aim: Migraine is a debilitating disease that causes pain and suffering to pa...
The objective of the article was to evaluate an alternative approach for migraine. The patients rec...
A project presented to the Department of Physician Assistant of Wichita State University in partial ...
Contexts. - An evidence base for complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) consumption within gen...
OBJECTIVE: Complementary therapies have been increasingly used for the prevention and treatment of m...
Several studies have supported the efficacy of complementary and alternative medicine approaches (ph...
Objective: Although a wide range of acute and preventative medications are now available for the tre...
Migraine characterized by recurrent headaches present with aura or without aura. Various treatment m...
BackgroundMigraine is one of the most prevalent chronic pain manifestations of childhood. Despite th...
Migraine prophylaxis represents a better choice than symptomatic drugs, both for safety and for effe...
Migraine is a recurrent neurological disorder of humans affecting approximately 15% of the populatio...
of pediatric migraine: Evidence-based review and recommendations Serena L Orr1,2 and Sunita Venkates...
Background: Migraine is the second most common type of headache after tension headaches. In Iranian ...
Migraine headaches are extremely common and it is considered that, on average, one of ten people suf...
Nutraceuticals might be defined as food or dietary supplements that provide medicinal or health bene...
Abstract Background and Aim: Migraine is a debilitating disease that causes pain and suffering to pa...
The objective of the article was to evaluate an alternative approach for migraine. The patients rec...
A project presented to the Department of Physician Assistant of Wichita State University in partial ...
Contexts. - An evidence base for complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) consumption within gen...
OBJECTIVE: Complementary therapies have been increasingly used for the prevention and treatment of m...