The goal of every companies is to maximize their value. Value of them is correlated with the performance that achieved. Companies' value is measured with stock return or stock price. If the performance is increase, so their value will increase also. Companies' performance usually are measured by one of traditional accounting measurement such as accounting profit, revenue growth, return on investment. Traditional measurements were supposed having more risk, because if companies only focus on the big growth without consider about the higher return than cost of capital, it will destroy company value. One alternative of performance measurements that can be used is economic value added. This research analyzed the influenced of economic value add...
WIKA AYU LESTARI. The Effect Of Economic Value Added To Stock Return In The Listed Company Of SWA1...
Real stock price actually is depend on the fundamental condition of the company. Investor make some ...
As the economic condition becoming more global, business competition is becoming tighter. Effectiven...
The goal of every companies is to maximize their value. Value of them is correlated with the perform...
The goal of every companies is to maximize their value. Value of them is correlated with the perform...
The financial sector company is one sector that is sensitive to macro-economic indicators. This stud...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Economic Value Added terhadap harga saham perusah...
In this study the authors have a purpose to determine the effect of Economic Value Added (EVA) and M...
The financial performance of the company is a company’s ability to generate profit effectively and e...
Influence of Return On Asset, Return On Equity and Economic Value Added To Value of the Company (Aut...
The concept of Economic Value Added and Market Value Added has been getting plenty of attention in r...
Dalam menghadapi persaingan yang semakin kompetitif, para manajemen dituntut dalam meningkat...
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) tah...
ABSTRAK Pasar modal adalah tempat dimana berbagai pihak khususnya perusahaan menjual saham (stock) d...
AbstractThe purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Economic Value Added and Market Val...
WIKA AYU LESTARI. The Effect Of Economic Value Added To Stock Return In The Listed Company Of SWA1...
Real stock price actually is depend on the fundamental condition of the company. Investor make some ...
As the economic condition becoming more global, business competition is becoming tighter. Effectiven...
The goal of every companies is to maximize their value. Value of them is correlated with the perform...
The goal of every companies is to maximize their value. Value of them is correlated with the perform...
The financial sector company is one sector that is sensitive to macro-economic indicators. This stud...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Economic Value Added terhadap harga saham perusah...
In this study the authors have a purpose to determine the effect of Economic Value Added (EVA) and M...
The financial performance of the company is a company’s ability to generate profit effectively and e...
Influence of Return On Asset, Return On Equity and Economic Value Added To Value of the Company (Aut...
The concept of Economic Value Added and Market Value Added has been getting plenty of attention in r...
Dalam menghadapi persaingan yang semakin kompetitif, para manajemen dituntut dalam meningkat...
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) tah...
ABSTRAK Pasar modal adalah tempat dimana berbagai pihak khususnya perusahaan menjual saham (stock) d...
AbstractThe purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Economic Value Added and Market Val...
WIKA AYU LESTARI. The Effect Of Economic Value Added To Stock Return In The Listed Company Of SWA1...
Real stock price actually is depend on the fundamental condition of the company. Investor make some ...
As the economic condition becoming more global, business competition is becoming tighter. Effectiven...