Pellaea andromedifolia (Kaulf.) Feecoffee cliffbrake, coffee fernScattered ca. 50 feet north of Big Chico Creek, vicintiy of Salmon Hole800 feetToxicodendron diversiloba, Quercus chrysolepsi
Androsace chamaejasme Wulfen ex Hostsweet-flowered fairy-candelabraandrosace des rochersLittle Pinch...
Plantago hookeriana Fisch. & C.A. Mey.California plantainAt base of cliff near stream, ca. 100 yds. ...
Dendrosida breedlovei FryxellSteep slopes along ravines with tropical deciduous forest, Zanthoxylum,...
Pellaea andromedifolia (Kaulf.) Feecoffee cliffbrake, coffee fernWildcat Canyon, Contra Costa Co.Oc...
Pterospora andromedea Nuttallwoodland pinedrops;pinedrops;giant pinedrops;giant bird's-nestptérospor...
Adiantum jordanii MuellerCalifornia maidenhair fernFoothills, at base of cliff 3000 feet N. of the ...
Ribes oxyacanthoides LinnaeusCanada gooseberry;northern gooseberry;northern smooth gooseberry;bristl...
Osmorhiza berteroi de Candollemountain sweet cicelyosmorhize de BerteroRed Rock Canyon Warden Statio...
Androsace septentrionalis Linnaeusnorthern fairy-candelabra;hairy northern fairy-candelabra;pygmyflo...
Pedicularis bracteosa Benthambracted lousewort;towering lousewort;western lousewort;Canadian bracted...
Cuphea rasilis S.A.GrahamSteep mountainside; oak forest near summits, and tropical forest with Ficus...
Aesculus californica (Spach) Nutt.Buckeye, California buckeye, California horse chestnut, Shrub ca...
Pellaea mucronata (D. Eaton) D. EatonBirdfoot Fern, bird's foot fern, birdfoot cliffbrakeca. 2 mile...
Cercocarpus betuloides Torrey & A. GrayBirch leaf mountain mahogany, Mountain mahoganyBell's Canyo...
Silene salmonacea T.W.Nelson, J.P.Nelson & S.A.ErwinSerpentine hillside recently disturbed by loggin...
Androsace chamaejasme Wulfen ex Hostsweet-flowered fairy-candelabraandrosace des rochersLittle Pinch...
Plantago hookeriana Fisch. & C.A. Mey.California plantainAt base of cliff near stream, ca. 100 yds. ...
Dendrosida breedlovei FryxellSteep slopes along ravines with tropical deciduous forest, Zanthoxylum,...
Pellaea andromedifolia (Kaulf.) Feecoffee cliffbrake, coffee fernWildcat Canyon, Contra Costa Co.Oc...
Pterospora andromedea Nuttallwoodland pinedrops;pinedrops;giant pinedrops;giant bird's-nestptérospor...
Adiantum jordanii MuellerCalifornia maidenhair fernFoothills, at base of cliff 3000 feet N. of the ...
Ribes oxyacanthoides LinnaeusCanada gooseberry;northern gooseberry;northern smooth gooseberry;bristl...
Osmorhiza berteroi de Candollemountain sweet cicelyosmorhize de BerteroRed Rock Canyon Warden Statio...
Androsace septentrionalis Linnaeusnorthern fairy-candelabra;hairy northern fairy-candelabra;pygmyflo...
Pedicularis bracteosa Benthambracted lousewort;towering lousewort;western lousewort;Canadian bracted...
Cuphea rasilis S.A.GrahamSteep mountainside; oak forest near summits, and tropical forest with Ficus...
Aesculus californica (Spach) Nutt.Buckeye, California buckeye, California horse chestnut, Shrub ca...
Pellaea mucronata (D. Eaton) D. EatonBirdfoot Fern, bird's foot fern, birdfoot cliffbrakeca. 2 mile...
Cercocarpus betuloides Torrey & A. GrayBirch leaf mountain mahogany, Mountain mahoganyBell's Canyo...
Silene salmonacea T.W.Nelson, J.P.Nelson & S.A.ErwinSerpentine hillside recently disturbed by loggin...
Androsace chamaejasme Wulfen ex Hostsweet-flowered fairy-candelabraandrosace des rochersLittle Pinch...
Plantago hookeriana Fisch. & C.A. Mey.California plantainAt base of cliff near stream, ca. 100 yds. ...
Dendrosida breedlovei FryxellSteep slopes along ravines with tropical deciduous forest, Zanthoxylum,...